S.W.A.G.: She Exudes Goodness

Coffee is good.

Really good.

Especially rich black coffee!

So, I thought the image above was fitting for this fruit of the Spirit. But, since we’re not talking about exuding, or oozing out, coffee…although I’m sure I could somedays…(smile!!!) that’s all I’ll say on that subject!

A Submissive Wife Adorned with Grace, is one who exudes goodness.

A woman walking with the godly swag of goodness, is a graciously selfless being, generous with her time and resources.

She possesses and displays moral virtue.

She maintains a respectable courteous air, setting the bar high, first for herself. Others are bound to follow; her irreproachable behavior demands respect.

Because she is a dutiful, hard working, levelheaded person, her husband is able to see her as trustworthy. Her decency is delightful to him and all those around her.

Her husband has full confidence in her because,

“she brings him good, hot harm,
all the days of her life.”
~Proverbs 31:11-12~
There is no law against goodness. It is always appropriate. (Coffee is too. Just saying!)
To bring her husband good she,
  • has good work ethic
  • speaks wisely
  • is thoughtful in word and deed
  • forgives early
  • is a joy to be around
  • irreproachable
“She is clothed with strength and dignity.”
~Proverbs 31:25~
She has a good reputation with both her husband and others. People can see by her up-right, honest behavior that she is wholeheartedly devoted to God and her husband.

She proves her wisdom and understanding through her good life, by deeds done in humility. She is pure and blameless in word and deed. (read James 3:13-18)

Even when her husband is demanding or inconsiderate, she holds on to an eternal perspective. In doing so she is able to respond with grace. (And, hopefully, not throw her coffee cup at him!)
“The good man brings good things out of the 
good stored up in him”
~Matthew 12:35~
She remains diligent in doing good to her husband, knowing that in due time she will reap a harvest. So as she has the opportunity, she wisely does good even in the face of adversity. (read Gal.6:7-10)
In the later years of her good life, her husband and children will be able to speak of her praiseworthy life, saying,
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise
at the city gate.”
~Proverbs 31:31~


Take a virtual coffee break for your homemaker’s heart! Visit the top right side bar and join today!

You might also like these characteristics of  a woman with godly swag…..
She Exudes Love
She Exudes Joy
She Exudes Peace
She Exudes Patience
She Exudes Kindness
She Exudes Faithfulness
She Exudes Gentleness
She Exudes Self-Control

http://christianmommyblogger.com Far From Normal, wholehearted home


    • Kaylene Yoder says:

      Too true! It a daily work to be a thermostat rather than a thermometer. Thermostats set temperatures in their homes, thermometers join the temperature around them.

  1. Sharita says:

    This is wonderful, Kaylene! I love the coffee connection and such an important reminder for me, especially on days where I am exuding and oozing something other than God's goodness. Thanks a ton for sharing this over at #EverydayJesus. So very glad to have you!

    • Kaylene Yoder says:

      Hi Sharita! I'm glad you were encouraged by this! Far to often I, too, ooze or exude things other than fruits of the spirit. A work in progress for sure! Thank you for stopping by! Blessings!

  2. living from glory to glory says:

    Hello, Firstly you are just a sweet and gentle lady! And you are teaching yourself and others so much wisdom. We are all growing in Him! I have always prayed to do my husband good all the days of my life and his! I have learned to be honest with those moment of being tired or overwhelmed and have learned to kindly express it to my husband and told him I need to take a rest. We have established

    • Kaylene Yoder says:

      Thank you, Roxy, for your kind words! Taking a rest is a good thing. I need to learn to admit it and then take the rest. Far too often I just try plowing on until I reach my breaking point. Then things go bad for sure, with my loved ones feeling the brunt of my exhaustion. 🙁 Thank you so much for sharing! I needed the reminder today! Heart hugs, dear sister in Christ!

  3. Judith Kowles says:

    I loved the encouragement you gave me through this post. It is loved your comparison to coffee and goodness (though I don't enjoy coffee 😉 like you do)

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