Pointing People to Jesus ~ Obligation or Opportunity

pointing people to Jesus

We love Jesus.

We know, as Christians, our lives and attitudes should reflect Him, and we desire to become more like Him.

Then life happens. Our emotions get caught up in injustices. We become indignant, angry, self centered, and more proud as we loudly and sometimes vehemently take our stances. We just know we right and are loaded with scripture to back us up.

But here’s the thing….

We may be right verbally, but are we right heartly?

Are we right enough to realize that sometimes our words are out of line no matter how right we are? TWEET THIS

Are we right enough to realize that pointing others to Jesus may have more to do with our actions and our attitudes than our words?

Do we know that pointing others to Jesus is not so much an obligation to prove we are right, as it is an opportunity to prove He is right? TWEET THIS

So the next time you open your mouth to use God’s word or your own words to deliver 40 lashes consider this thought…

Does this situation pose an obligation to prove Jesus’s way verbally or is this situation an opportunity to show His way quietly, humbly and actively?

  • So, to that rude individual…..is that an obligation to prove or opportunity to extend grace?
  • To the child pushing your buttons…..obligation to demand obedience or opportunity to practice patience?
  • To the aggressive driver…..obligation to run him off the road or opportunity to smile and wave? ALL your fingers, by the way!
  • To the inconsiderate spouse….obligation to set him/her right or opportunity to be gracious and accomodating?
  • In the face of anger…..obligation to fire your defense back loud and clear or opportunity to seek to understand and defer?
  • When you are annoyed….exhausted…..overwhelmed…..misunderstood…..belittled…..

Obligation to prove we are right, no matter how right we are? Or opportunity to display a Christ-like life by swallowing our pride, keeping our cool and losing our self promoting attitudes?

The only obligation we have is to choose the right in every opportunity.

We’ll be proven right in time.

In His time.

The right time.

poppy gal6.9


  1. Jennifer says:

    Thank you for sharing this truth, friend. It’s much needed, for me and for many. “Sometimes our words are out of line no matter how right we are.” Ouch and amen!

  2. Holly Brown says:

    I absolutely love this post because it hits me to the core. It relays the grace of the gospel and urges us to walk in the light we profess. I so appreciate your heart and that you’re not pulling punches here. Thanks babe!!

  3. Jenn says:

    Amen! Love it.
    I am introverted by nature, but with my family, I don’t hold back on my feelings. All too often, I let ’em rip without thought behind them at all. I’m too quick to speak in anger, too quick to have a witty (and often hurtful) comeback that helps no one but my ego for two seconds.
    Thanks for this reminder – not just for our reactions to strangers, but to those closest to us, who also need to see Jesus on a daily basis.

  4. Jen says:

    I’m thankful that Arabah shared this post because I needed this encouragement today. Ministry issues are creating quite the burden lately and it’s so easy to want to give up, to quit doing good. But I know He’s faithful to Carry us through and will provide the power we need for the day-to-day. Excellent read!
    Jen 🙂

  5. Sarah Ann says:

    I am so guilty of a sharp tongue or a quick glance that doesn’t reflect Jesus. May He invade and change my heart, and may I die to my self daily!

  6. Anandhi Moses says:

    That is a challenge you have posted there. It is not easy to let self die in those situations. I am encouraged to try and let Jesus live through me. It is a great post!
    Found you through the Grace and truth link up. Looking forward to reading more from you!

  7. Ruth Clemence says:

    Really loved this post – thank you for your wisdom on the importance of becoming more like Christ in all situations! Thanks for linking up at Grace & Truth 🙂

  8. Sharita says:

    First: I am both encouraged and convicted by this post– you sure have a knack for that, girl!

    Second: Love the new website! Beautiful and classy– very Kaylene 🙂

  9. Ruby says:

    A very timely post! I have been praying lots for God to help me control my words. To be BOLD only for Him (not just to prove a point either) but to share His Love and Grace along the way,and most times no words are needed. A convicting and encouraging read. Thank you for posting!

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