Riding On His Shoulders

“Let the beloved of the Lord

rest secure in Him,
for He shields him all day long,
and the one the Lord loves
rests between His shoulders.
~Deuteronomy 33:12~
While reading this, “rests between His shoulders” brought back childhood memories of riding on my father’s shoulders. I loved riding up there!
The view from up there was awesome. While it was a bit wobbly at times, I trusted in my father’s strength and ability to carry me safely. I knew he wouldn’t do anything to cause me to fall from my precarious perch.
I was vulnerable, but 100% secure. I knew that. I trusted him. 
Now, almost twenty-five years later, as I watch my children ride on their daddy’s shoulders, a whole lot of me wants to return to that innocence, 

that trust, 

that vulnerability.

And I can.

Because now, as an adult, my Heavenly Father wants to let me ride on His shoulders. He actually invites me to rest securely between His shoulders, trusting Him to carry me through the storms of life.
I love Psalm 91, where He is described as my shelter….resting in the shadow of the Almighty….my refuge and fortress….being covered by Him….being under His wings….my shield and rampart….
BUT, not always are we shielded and sheltered from the pains of life. In fact, we are promised them. We are told they are necessary for us to grow and become mature in Him. (James 1)

Rather, the picture of Him carrying me ON His shoulders holds these promises for me…
On His shoulders I am vulnerable to the winds of life.

On His shoulders I am vulnerable to the burning pain and heartaches death and sin will bring.

On His shoulders I am vulnerable to all kinds of sleet and hail, floods and blizzards, droughts and famines of life.
But, this vulnerability…..it will sweeten me….it will strengthen me….it will tenderize my cold heart.
Because on His shoulders, He holds me secure.
On His shoulders I can let Him do the carrying of burdens.
On His shoulders He lifts me up letting me get a glimpse of His glorious plan.
On His shoulders, He is teaching me to trust Him…
my very firm, unwavering, ever stable foundation.
Riding on my Father’s shoulders……
…100% vulnerable….100% secure…..
Featured at….

A Soft Gentle Voice


  1. Dawn says:

    I love this verse in Deuteronomy, Kaylene! I love the picture it gives us of where we are in relation to Him and encourages us to rest in that promise and hope of His complete sovereign grace and love. Thanks for sharing poignant truths. I enjoyed my visit! <br />Blessings,<br />Dawn

  2. Amber Cadenas says:

    YES to this truth. You captured this image so well with your descriptions. I&#39;ve been thinking these past several days about the seeming &#39;contradictions&#39; of God and his nature, how they are contradictions to us but fullness to him – and 100% vulnerable, %100 secure strikes me as one of those beautiful ones. It reminds me of Aslan in the Narnia books, when he is described not as safe,

  3. Danise Jurado says:

    This is such a beautiful picture … The rest and security children feel on their daddy&#39;s shoulders and the ability to have a greater perspective up high rather than down where they normally walk… Wonderful and encouraging post! <br />I stopped by from Holley&#39;s <br />Blessings to you 🙂

  4. Mary B says:

    Good Morning, it is funny how the Lord works! I am your neighbor at Jennifer Dukes Lee&#39;s place for this week&#39;s Tell His Story. And I so needed to be reminded of these precious words from Deuteronomy today. I need to rest in His arms and be carried on His shoulders. Today is a sad day for me, but I know there are better things to come.<br /><br />Also, I believe I recognize St. Louis

    • Kaylene Yoder says:

      Hello, Mary. Glad you found encouragement! To Him the glory!<br /><br />We live in IA. Have never live in St. Louis, but we are avid Cardinals fans! We take an annual family trip to a home game and also the Magic House. Many memories!

  5. Beth Stiff says:

    Kaylene, I really enjoy the way you write and share your heart. Always such wonderful encouragement here. This particularly blessed me today so THANK YOU. It&#39;s so wonderful to have you joining us every week for Three Word Wednesday. Blessings.

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