Seasons of Our Lives

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven… Ecc 3:1

We have many seasons in our lives. But sometimes we are too busy worrying about what season has just passed or has not arrived to wonder and delight in the season where God has us now.


Can you trust me with your life?”

Oh, as a young single gal, I always looked forward to the day when I’d be married with children. I didn’t exactly imagine what it would be like, but I just believed it would be good. I remember at 24 having a long talk with the Lord about wanting to be married. And it was as if the Lord whispered to my heart, “Can you trust me with your life?” WOW! What is there to even respond to that question? Of course I can trust you, Lord!

That one little question, decades ago, helped to settle many things in my heart about the future. But more than that, it helped to settle things for the present. I was able to let go of achieving my hopes and dreams and enjoy the Lord today. Learning contentment in the center of where we are in our lives is a huge key to being able to hear the Lord each day.

St. Francis of Assisi was hoeing his garden when someone asked what he would do if he were suddenly to learn that he would die before sunset that very day. “I would finish hoeing my garden,” he replied.

This story deeply touched my heart as a young believer. I wanted so desperately to have that contentment and trust, confident that I was doing exactly what God called me to at any given moment of my life.

  • No rushing to fit this activity in.
  • No fretting that I should have said something.
  • No panic that I left something undone.

Just the confidence that I will do what is before me in peace and joy as I serve the Lord.

[bctt tweet=”As my daughter grows I want to encourage her to be content in this season of life. #lovemom @teachwhatisgood”]

Be living examples, in actions and words.

The first thing God taught me as a mom was that my children follow my example. Both good and bad. So my first question would be: what is there in my life that is building a heart of discontentment in my daughters?

I realize that every season of our lives comes with joys and heartaches. Our job is to allow the Lord to work His character into our hearts so that we can live out the joy of the Lord. It’s learning to live like Paul, who always found contentment. This is a challenging journey, but the only one that will bring peace and joy. Let’s not live our lives always waiting for the next season to start in our lives.

Our children learn by what we do, but sometimes they need to hear it as well. God works deeply within our hearts and no one sees in there but Him. We need to be willing to be vulnerable to our daughters; sharing our faith struggles as well as our faith choices. Expressing our sorrows, fears and hurts while still standing strong in our faith is a powerful teaching tool for our children. Sometimes we are so afraid of losing our authority that we forget that our failures and struggles can be a great source of encouragement to them.

Talk openly about the things you are trusting God for. Share about the joy of living fully in today, about growing in contentment. Or, if you struggle with contentment, share that as well. Ask your daughters to pray with and for you! Share the scriptures God is using to speak to your life and how He is applying them. 

Read the good, the bad and the ugly from the Word.

The scriptures are rich and full of examples to teach and train us. Take a look at some of the women in the Word and how they’ve either waited on God or tried to push out their will and timing.

Some examples might be:

  • Eve – not content with taking God’s NO as His best
  • Sarah – not content with God’s timing for His promise
  • Hannah – finding solace and joy in the prayer of God’s anointed
  • Mary – finding faith in the middle of the unknown

It is so vital that we teach our daughters to look to the Word in living their lives. Help them find the spiritual principles in the scriptures and then how to apply those principles to their lives. Remember it is the living and active power of the Word that the Spirit uses to change lives. 

Teach them to discern truth from lies.

This one is very hard but absolutely essential as our daughters grow into adults. And this is the place where every one of us falls. Our minds are filled with deception. Often self-deception. But the enemy knows all of them because he is so well acquainted with the human condition.

I’d like to give just a few examples. Ask the Lord what the lies/truths are that your daughters need to see and discern.

LIE: My life won’t be worthwhile without a boyfriend.
TRUTH: Contentment is only found in God, not in others. Ps 73:25


LIE: I’m a failure if I am not married.
TRUTH: My worth is centered in God’s love and transforming power. Phil 1:6


LIE: So-and-so’s life is so much better than mine.
TRUTH: God works His absolute BEST for my life as I walk in surrender to Him. Rom 8:28

Help them examine the lies they are believing, the lies that are keeping them discontent in this season of their life. Then, go to the Word and help them find God’s truth and meditate on those verses, letting His Spirit tear down walls of deception and build a firm foundation of truth. 

Live in joy!

If there is one thing I’ve found in my life, it is the power of joy. I don’t want to miss a single thing God has for me. I don’t want to be looking so far down the road that I miss the blessing right in front of me.

Let’s live our lives in hopeful expectation of the blessings and favor of God. Let’s teach our children to do the same. Live each moment as if God were coming back at the end of the day. Then joyfully carry out what we are doing. Continuing hoeing that garden, knowing we are where God wants us to be and we are living in joy in this season.

Kate Megill ~  Teaching What Is Good (

Kate is a wife and homeschool mom of 8 children. She has been mentoring women for over three decades with a passion for older women teaching younger women. She is passionate about her marriage to Kevin, her greatest encouragement and support. She also counts herself extremely blessed to have homeschooled all of their children from kindergarten on up, five of whom have graduated from high school already. And in addition to her family, Kate makes time for discipleship while continuing to grow in her own walk with God. Most of all, Kate is passionate about God. He is her strength, rock, delight and joy.