Claim your spot for the 2023 Fasting & Prayer challenge!
Do you feel empty inside? Misunderstood? Alone, even?
I’ve been there. I used to offer hit or miss prayers, not sure it was hitting or missing anything. I know now that the Lord heard all my prayers. But, it wasn’t until I started intentionally seeking Him, praying specific and persistent prayers and petitioning His heart through fasting, that I really understood His goodness.
And through many tears, and a few calluses on my knees later, I can say, “God is good all the time. All the time God is good.”
In the hard spots of life…
When the icy pain is burning a hole through your heart…
When it’s hard to just breathe…
God sees. He knows. He wants to heal and restore you. His desire to us ward is what makes Him so good. We find rest and peace in Who He is.
If you feel stuck, a little disconnected or need an all out miracle, I invite you to join me for 40 days of prayer and fasting. You will be drawn closer to Him no matter what shape your marriage is in.

Two Ways to Participate
Basic Version
- a daily prayer to pray over your husband via email
- a daily fasting challenge (optional)
In-Depth Version…
with the Bible Study book, A Wife’s 40-Day Fasting & Prayer Journal. Each chapter in this Paperback Bible Study journal has:
- Daily devotions
- Daily prayers to pray over your husband and marriage
- Daily Scripture writing exercises
- Personal journaling prompts (in book)
- Daily Fasting Challenges
We highly recommend taking this challenge with the Bible Study book “A Wife’s 40-Day Fasting & Prayer Journal” The actual book will add depth and guidance that emailed prayers won’t provide.
Plus! Amazon has it is on sale for a limited time! This is a great Bible study to do alone, or with a few friends, or a larger group of women.

CLICK HERE to request a 28-page Sample of the complete Bible Study.
FAQ about the 40-Day Fasting & Prayer Challenge:
1. This challenge is pitched to wives. Do you have a challenge for husbands or couples?
No. Currently, we do not have an email prayer challenge for husbands. However, you might find this book, 40 Scripture-based Prayers to Pray Over Your Wife, a wonderful resource. This book is available via Amazon in paperback and Kindle.
2. I am unable to fast. / I have never fasted before. / How do I know I am fasting properly?
Always consult you physician before fasting. Especially if you are pregnant or have health concerns.
If you have never fasted before, this challenge is a great place to start. We will be exploring many different fasts. Once you find one that suits your life, you may stay with it or you may continue with the variety of daily options we provide.
Concerning how to fast “properly”, please remember God is not as concerned about how you fast or how strictly you fast. He desires only that you bring a willing heart to the experience and allow His Spirit to work His peace and grace in you.
3. Do I have to buy the book?
No. The prayers and fasting challenges provided in the emails are of the same quality found in the book. However, if you are looking for a life changing, heart softening, marriage restoring experience, then the Bible Study is the better option. This will give you hands on material that you can use at your own pace as well as return to it for years to come.