Do you know when is the best to time to worship, praise and exalt the Lord?
I didn’t either until He decided to teach me a little about it.
I am going through a dry place spiritually and was being worn down with burdens, weariness and frustrations that come with everyday life.
On top of that, some of my closest relationships are a bit of a mess, too.

One morning God impressed upon my heart, “today you will worship”.
Nope. No thank you, God. I don’t feel like it.
But He left it at that, and I kept returning to the idea over the next few days until I had time to sit down and really dig into this thing called worship.
As I searched and read and prayed, I came upon a promise tucked in Psalm 66:10-12 –
For You, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance.
A place of abundance… that sounded like a place I wanted.

I read on in hopes to find more and I found it a few short verses later in Psalm 66:16-18:
let me tell you what He has done for me. I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.
The first thing that caught my attention was the writer was writing in past tense here. He said,”His praise WAS on my tongue.”
When did he praise the Lord?
Back when he was being tested and in prison, heavily burdened and going through fire and water.
And what places did he come to?
Places of abundance.
Why did he receive those?
Because he didn’t harbor the sins of pride, bitterness and anger toward the Lord grip his heart. He chose to “cry out with his mouth” and praise the Lord.

They didn’t draw away from the Lord– they kept seeking Him.
They didn’t excuse themselves from worshiping Him because they were heavy-laden – they chose to turn to Him.
When they faced death and disaster they didn’t buckle under the sorrow. They sought their relief in His love.
That is what our 30-day I Exalt Thee Bible Study will teach you to do.
Instead of going through this dry weary season all by yourself, God says, “Come to me and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
He invites us to bring an offering of praise and come to Him (Psalm 96:8) where we may be planted in His house, flourish in His courts, and bear fruit all our days (Psalm 92:12-15).

What could you benefit from placing yourself in the Lord’s courts 30 days in a row?
Could there be something He wants to teach you about His goodness while you walk through this dry season?
The deserts of life will always produce something. They will either be lengthened in pride and bitterness. Or they will end with greater praise and humility.
We get to choose our outcome.
Through the ‘I Exalt Thee’ Bible Study, God taught me very intimately that when we worship Him in the war, rescue will be our reward.

When we praise Him in the places of pain, He will award us places of abundance.
“We went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance” (Psalm 66:12).
Find out what places of abundance the Lord wants to restore to you!
Introducing the ‘I Exalt Thee’ Bible Study!

To purchase only the I Exalt Thee Bible Study for Adults please CLICK HERE.
After purchase please look for an email from “Kaylene Yoder” with a PDF of your Bible study. For best results, please have a printer available upon download.
This Bible Study uses our signature REST Bible Study Method. Each lesson follows a similar pattern using a passage from Scripture.
You will find a few prayers and extra Scriptures to add depth and substance to what God may want to teach God.
It’s a simple way to meet the Lord. Even dismissed by some as “not looking intensive enough to really retain the word”.
However, when I receive testimonies like that of Cindie, I remember how uncomplicated it should be to meet with your Heavenly Father.
“When I first looked at it I thought, well this looks a little too simple. Wow. Just wow. My early morning study time has never been so intensely rewarding for me. The simplicity of your REST Method takes me so much deeper than I would have realized. It is very effective in creating the right setting and opportunity to hear from the Holy Spirit.” ~ Cindie
That’s what it’s all about!
The Lord is wanting to speak to you and teach you more of Himself. Let the REST Method help you place yourself in a spiritual posture where you may hear from Him.

To purchase only the I Exalt Thee Bible Study for Adults please CLICK HERE.
After purchase please look for an email from “Kaylene Yoder” with a PDF of your Bible study. For best results, please have a printer available upon download.
What to Expect from the “I Exalt Thee” Bible Study
- A beautiful 66 page printable Bible Study for Young Adults & Adults
- A beautiful 33 page printable Bible Study for Kids (recommended ages 7-14)
- 30 days of Bible passages that will cultivate a heart of Praise & Worship
- The passages in the Adult & Kids versions coordinate for great parent/child interaction and discussion
- 5 intensives (also known as devotions) emailed to you throughout the study to provide guidance and encouragement
- Deep encounters with Christ when you bring a teachable heart
- Daily time allowance should be 15 – 30 minutes depending on how long you want rest with the Father
- Renewed (or an all new!) intimacy with Christ
- …and whatever the Lord wants to teach you through His Word!

To purchase only the I Exalt Thee Bible Study for Adults please CLICK HERE. Coupon not valid with adult only Bible study purchase.
After purchase please look for an email from “Kaylene Yoder” with a PDF of your Bible study. For best results, please have a printer available upon download.
More Testimonies of the REST Bible Study Method
“This REST Method really makes me stop and think. I usually prefer workbooks that have questions and fill in the blanks or multiple choice answers. But the way you do it, it makes you dig and think. I need that!” ~ Tina
I love how you let the Word speak for itself and don’t try to twist it into something that it isn’t. I plan on using it in the future when I read the Bible to make sure that I am really getting from it what I need to get. I’m already looking for the next study of yours that I can do. My best friend does them at the same time as me and she loves it as well.” ~ Erika
I really love the REST Method! I already did something similar, but this is more specific. ~ Pamela
“When I first looked at it I thought, well this looks a little too simple. Wow. Just wow. My early morning study time has never been so intensely rewarding for me. The simplicity of your REST Method takes me so much deeper than I would have realized. It is very effective in creating the right setting and opportunity to hear from the Holy Spirit.” ~ Cindie

To purchase only the I Exalt Thee Bible Study for Adults please CLICK HERE.
After purchase please look for an email from “Kaylene Yoder” with a PDF of your Bible study. For best results, please have a printer available upon download.