30-Day Prayer Dare for Parents

Reserve your spot for Prayer Dare for Parents!Β 

PLEASE NOTE, we will not be able to fast forward your subscription or “catch you up” to your desired day. The prayers are scheduled to send out one day apart from each other at 6 AM Central, starting September 1, or from the date you join. IF YOU ARE ORGANIZING A GROUP, please have all members join before September 1, or all on the same day so you will each receive the same prayer on the same day.

Three ways to participate:

1. Free & Solo  

All the prayers sent via email are free. You may invite your friends to join and they will receive all the prayers for free as well. Use the signup forms on this page to save your spot. 

What to expect in each day’s email:

  • A prayer to pray over your child(ren)
  • Scriptures supporting the prayer topics

2. Workbook & Solo 

Again, all the prayers are free via email. Use the signup form on this page to reserve your spot. However, we have also designed a 35-page Prayers for my Children Scripture Writing Workbook and Personal Journal to enrich this prayer journey.

In this workbook you will find:

  • daily Scripture Writing assignments that follow the topics of the daily emailed prayers. 
  • space to journal your own prayers for your children

The workbook/journal is $7.99, and delivered in digital form. Just print, bind, and expect God to show up big time. You may purchase now or later.


3. With a group!

If you have a Bible Study group, this 30-day Prayer Dare is a wonderful way to stand together in prayer for all your children.

To pray the same prayers on the same day, be sure to have your group signed up for the emailed prayers before September 1st.

If you’d like to start this Prayer Dare any time after September 1st, make sure your group all signs up on the same day so you will each receive the same prayer each day.

For the Scripture Writing Journal that goes along with this 30-day Prayer Dare, we are on the honor system. Legally each individual should purchase their own digital copy.

35-page Scripture Writing Workbook & Personal Journal.


Prayers for My Children Scripture Writing Journal will be Delivered in PDF to your PayPal email address after successfully processing your order. DON’T HAVE PAYPAL? Choose debit or credit card during the checkout process. No refunds after any one download has been made. If you do not see your order in your email within 15 minutes of confirmed purchase, please contact me here.

Testimonies from Praying Parents

“I joined your 30-day Prayer Dare for Parents to pray over my grandchildren. Imagine my surprise to find that the prayers are just as good for my adult children. I have one son (31 years old) who is wondering and lost. I haven’t seen or heard from him in years. I have been praying these prayers for him and yesterday out of nowhere, he called me. I know it’s because I am praying for him. God moved in his heart just like I prayed. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for these prayers!” ~ Jessica C.

“This prayer dare is by far the best thing I am doing this fall. I’m only on day 4 and I can already see a difference in the attitudes around our home. I know it’s because I am much more calm and I feel stronger and more confident as a mom. I am sharing this will all my friends!” Rene H.

“I am finding this prayer dare is more for me than my children. My heart is so much softer, I have more patience, and I actually enjoy being a mom.” Doris L.

Join the 30-Day Prayer Dare for Parents today!

We all understand prayer doesn’t magically fix you, your child, or your situation. However, prayer does set the tone of your heart and shapes your character to be like the greatest Parent of all time, God your Father.

Let’s start praying big come September 1st and pray strong throughout the whole month.

I’ll send you prayers, you just pray them! Deal?