“The heart of the discerning
acquires knowledge;
the ears of the wise seek it out.”
~Proverbs 18:15~
A Prayer for Your Husband’s Spiritual Hearing
Father, I praise You for the infinite wisdom You alone possess. I thank You that You willingly pour it out to those who ask. (James 1)
Today I pray my husband will not only ask for and seek wisdom, but that he may be able to hear it clearly and correctly; to have his ears opened, always eager to hear Your word. May he never be as those who hear Your word but never put them into practice. (Ez.33:30-31) You, Jesus, have said, “But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” (Matt.7:26) You have not given my husband ears that cannot be opened or a heart that cannot be molded and taught. Remove all foolishness and self centered tendencies so that he may be able to discern what is Your wisdom from the wisdom as the world sees it.

Father, open his ears to all good instruction, knowledge, and all sound teaching. Open his ears also to words of rebuke, correction and chastisement. While hearing such words are never easy they are necessary for growth. Give him wise discernment as he considers the words. Make all that is from you like an ornament of fine gold to his listening ear. (Pr.25:12)
May all sound teaching fall on the good soil of his heart, so he may hear Your words, accept Your words and produce an abundant crop with his good life. (Mark 4:20) May he not only be a listener of Your word but a hearer and doer of them as well. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
I am in agreement with this prayer. Lord, let my husband’s heart be open and ready for Your wisdom and guidance, and eager to follow Your ways and lead his household. I praise and thank You, in Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
I am in agreement with this prayer please open my husband’s ears heart and mind with him receive your love your kindness your joy your piece your knowledge your wisdom in the name of Jesus let him be the mighty man of God that you have created him to be in Jesus mighty name amen
Kaylene, So good! Prayer for our husband is one of the most important responsibilities of a wife! These Biblical prayers (I prayed, as I read 🙂 are so good and will help us so much.❤️ I know God delights to answer them, as well! Bless you!
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