Do you pray for your husband’s heart; the inner-most core of who he is? Ask the Lord to speak to your husband’s spirit and guide him into all truth and righteousness.

“The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?”
~Jeremiah 17:9~
“As water reflects a face,
so a man’s heart reflects the man.”
~Proverbs 27:19~
A Prayer for Your Husband’s Heart
Father, thank You that You have given my husband a heart that is teachable. Even when he is unwillingly to change his views or ways, You have not given him a heart of stone, but of flesh, and You, O Lord, have abilities beyond measure to soften his heart, making it pliable to Your will and Your ways. Create in my husband a new heart and a steadfast spirit. (Ps.51:10)
Teach him Your way so that he will walk in Your truth. Give him an undivided heart; not entertaining both good and evil. (Ps.86:11) A good man brings good things out of the goodness of his heart, and the evil man evil things out of his heart.(Luke 6:45) Let my husband stand firmly and correctly in goodness.

You have said,”I, the Lord, search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.” (Jer.17:9-10) Search his heart, Sweet Jesus. Ever so gently, search his heart. Test him and know his thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in him. Convict him in any areas where he needs to grow more gentle, loving, kind, humble or repentant. Guide him into Your everlasting way.(Ps.139:23-24)
When You test him and the road gets hard, don’t let his heart be troubled.”Prove Yourself to him so his trust in You may be established,further purifying his heart by faith. (John 14:1; Acts 15:9)
May those who scorn Your name or are far from You, see the good in my husband by his acts of humble service, making You appealing to all. May he find honor and respect in his life, his work, and his relationships. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
So lovely!!! Indeed, I know my husband desires to be this way always, but we do need to guard our hearts. Beautiful prayer of protection, guidance and purification for our husband’s precious heart.
I love your prayers for your husband and for your encouragement to each of us as wives!
Thank you!
May your cup be filled to overflowing.
Thank you, Kaylene. I have struggled with prayer for awhile. These help me stay focused and true to God’s Word. It is humbling and enriching to pray these prayers and I find I can’t pray them for my husband without also praying them for myself!
Love it! I thank God for using you to change lives for His glory! My friends and I are enjoying the 40 Day Challenge! It is so needed and we are seeing fruit already! Thank you!!
Glad to hear it, friend! Blessings to you!
Love it! Thank you with all my heart
My husband left a few months ago. I chose to pray. I did feel anger , rejection and fear. I developed a war room and also fasted. I was fortunate to have the Holy Spirit work through me to prevent anger, hostility and outbursts from
Arising. As a result my husband decided to return home. It is still a journey and tense, scary and feels uncertain in my mind but I turn it to God. I ask for the Lord to overcome the negative thoughts of Satan. In turn , I claim this marriage . God hates divorce according to Malachi. God also has united us to be one and God declares may no man separate us . I know that God wants me to be a virtuous wife. He wants to also give me the desires of my heart. So pray fiercely. Do not let bitterness and rejection to take over you ! Declare your love and your marriage restoration and then be still and know that he is God. amen !
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