“According to your faith
it will be done to you.”
~Mathew 9:29~
“without faith it is impossible to please God,
because anyone who comes to Him
must believe that He exists and that
He rewards those who earnestly
seek Him.”
~Hebrews 11:6~

A Prayer for Your Husband’s Faith
Father, give my husband an extra measure of faith today. My husband knows You exist, so strengthen him so that he will earnestly seek You in all does.
May his faith not rest on man’s wisdom but in Your great power. (1Cor.2:5) May He turn to You in all he does, knowing You will reward those who earnestly seek You. What is wise in man’s eyes is not wise in Yours. Give him the faith to seek You first and then added faith to stand firmly upon Your promises, fully persuaded that You have the power to do exactly what you have said You will. (Romans 4:21)
May he reflect on what You have already done, not forgetting Your great faithfulness to him. Through the promises You have kept may a greater trust be established in him.

When he asks anything in Your name help him not doubt You. (James1:6-7) Where there may be a tinge of doubt, further strengthen His belief in Your power, Your ways, Your ability and Your promises.
You are forever good and faithful, Jesus. As the Author and Prince of Peace, grant my husband measures of it that passes all understanding when he does anything that requires belief in You.
May he not waver through unbelief regarding any of Your promises, but be strengthened in his faith and give all the glory to You. (Romans 4:20) May my husband’s faith filled life bring him to stand before You and courageously say “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2Tim.4:7) In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Get Kaylene’s devotional book for wives A Wife’s 40-day Fasting & Prayer Journal – A Guide to Strategic Prayer.

Another wonderful prayer for my husband, and may I add, for myself!! We fight the good fight together. Amen.
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