In this 7-Day Fasting and Prayer Guide you will learn how to pray for your husband and your marriage, as well as learn the many different ways to fast. (The fasting guide is optional and fully customizable to your health needs.)

Each day you will receive an email with:
- A specific prayer to pray over your husband or marriage
- A Fasting Challenge
- A Scripture Writing Prompt
- A Devotional Reading suggestion
- A little note from me (because I’ve been where you are & wished I had someone to talk to)
My greatest prayer for this Free 7-Day Fasting and Prayer Guide is that it you will find hope and healing in Jesus, the Restorer of Broken Walls, the Nourisher of our souls, our ultimate Source of satisfaction.
*Please consult your health care provider before fasting.
Very nice witness Kaylene! God Bless You! God is Love, and Jesus showed that Love here on earth. We are to be more Christ like in that Love. Thank you for this devotional, lesson. Keep them coming!
Thank You
Thanks in advance!
Thank you for the 2 free ebooks and for the 40 prayers to pray over our husbands. These are truly a God send!!!!
Would this be a good e-course towards restoration for a marriage?
Rene, thank you for your inquiry! Yes, this e-course is designed with restoration being the end goal. We cannot promise this e-course will bring immediate healing, but it will definitely draw you much closer to the One who does the restoring. Praying for you, friend. May you feel the Father’s peace as you go throughout your day.
Thank you for creating this prayer and fasting devotional.
I was one those woman that you described in your post this morning, Praise God, I saw the light,and I’m still seeing the light. Thank you for being so obedient to God.. be encouraged today you are that Light God called you to be.
Kaylene, you have a very blessed day, remember to Praise Him in the storm…
Hi Kaylene,
Is this only meant for married women?
This guide is for any wife or bride to be. 🙂
Dear Kaylene,
I am the wife of an unbelieving spouse. We have separated recently. I am praying fervently for my husband and our marriage. Do you believe your prayer and fasting course would be suitable to my current situation?
Hello Heather. I am so sorry for the trial and heartbreak you are going through right now. To answer your question whether this fasting and prayer course is suitable for your situation – yes. Will it fix your marriage? No. I can make no such claims. I can however, trust that the Lord will speak to you and strengthen you as you walk hand in hand with Him, drawing closer to Him through prayer and fasting.
I pray you will find relief and rest even amid this storm you are facing. May our Heavenly Father’s peace flood your heart, mind and soul today.
Thank you Kaylene, thank you for allowing God to use you in a mighty way, I’m looking forward to this prayer and fasting course, I’m really excited. Thank you
Hi Kaylene,
I’ve been a subscriber for about a year. I’m struggling so bad in my marriage. A lot of what you talk about is totally me! I’ve done your prayer and fasting email last year. I don’t know that it helped much but am willing to try again. I am currently pregnant so I’m not sure if I can fast. Please pray for my husband Joe & I. It’s a second marriage for both and it’s been quite rocky. He’s not a true follower and he drinks a lot. I’m so discouraged and we are on the brink of divorce. I’ve done so much work in this marriage, done counseling, research, marriage studies. I see God move a little and then something happens and it feels like He stops. I don’t think I can wait 12 years like you have.
Thank you for your daily encouragement, may god richly bless your steadfastness. You are a true woman of God.
Praying for you and Joe. May both of you be surrounded in the Lord peace and love. May you be strengthened to walk in the ways the Lord calls you to. Keep turning to the Lord and seeking Him each day and He will show you the things He wants you to do and say.
Hello Kaylene,
I just want you to know how blessed I have been by your post about your husband’s baptism. I rejoice with you and your family over his salvation. I’ve been following you for a while now and I appreciate your candor and your encouragement concerning the struggles you have had in your marriage. I too struggle with my marriage, something I never thought I would as I am married to a Pastor, but never the less as you have stated the Enemy will use any means he can to kill, steal and destroy. Monday you ended your post with a pray, that has resonated in my heart and soul. I have challenged myself and couple of friends to pray that prayer over themselves for the next thirty days, believing that the Lord is going to move in our lives. Of course the Enemy has stepped up his attacks… Confirmation right!. I just wanted you to know that your labors are not in vain and that the Lord has used you in a mighty way.
Stay Encouraged
Yours in Christ
Thank you so much for sharing this, Charlene. I’m so glad the Lord uses this place on the web to encourage and minister to you. Keep waging war against the enemy. His eternity is settled and victory is ours to walk in today!
I thank the Lord Christ Jesus Whose words are pure and true and holy and perfect and wonderful, and that He says what He will do and do what He says. I love the Lord with all my heart and cemented in my heart since u was a girl that nothing and no one will change that. I got married understanding it will not be a bed of roses, but satisfied believing that marriage is of the Lord and He who has begun this work in us will see it through until the day of Jesus Christ. Yet my marriage has tested my very essence of faith, replacing it with hopelessness. I pray for my husband to change, instead I change to a bitter anger heartbroken soul, most times praying just words with no meaning. I’ve tried counseling by our pastor and eventually Phd in psychology. My husband refused to continue and showed zero interest. He continues to abuse emotionally, financially, physically and I try to endure because of God’s word, that I hold onto, desperate for a miracle, desperate for changes and now realizing nothing has worked and he has not changed, except for me at the brink of utter shame and loss, I’m finally giving it one last go with fasting and prayer. Not for him to change. But for me to regain self respect, hope and confidence that it is not my fault.
Julia, I hear your heartbreak. You are choosing well to fast & pray in order to draw closer to the Lord. That is very wise & the very reason for fasting & praying.
You mentioned abuse. Please know, your Heavenly Father finds nothing acceptable in regards to His daughters being battered in any way. I am praying for you to find protection and safety. I am also asking the Lord to give you courage and wisdom in going the ways He wants you to go. May He put people in your life that can help you, and may He move hearts and situations in your favor. In Jesus’ Name!
Kaylene, My marriage can really use a lot of prayer right now! My husband left our daughter and I almost 2 months ago and is now saying he wants a divorce. I am wanting to seek counseling and he is only interested in it for himself, not for fixing out marriage at all. He is very bitter and angry towards me, something ive never seen him be towards me in the 20 years I have known him. We have been together steadily for 12 years and married for 9. We had a rough few months early 2019, but I thought we were on the mend from that and things were great! We just celebrated our anniversary and a couple weeks later, he leaves. I need prayers for a hedge of protection around Dean and that whatever evil spirits are attacking him and my marriage, be binded immediately! Please pray for us!
Praying for healing & hope. May the Lord provide wisdom, strength & peace beyond understanding!