Two years ago, the Lord saw fit to bless me with a daughter.
A daughter who is a lot like me. She has my nose. My hair. My gracefulness. (See also: Falls up the stairs.)
She also has my attitude. Stubbornness. Passion. Independence.
Feel free to pray for me.

In all things, she is a blessing. Even in those moments when scrambled eggs fly across the kitchen table or as she nails me in the jaw with a foot during one of her epic tantrums. (Disclaimer: If you ever see me in these moments, I might muttering something about her being a blessing through gritted teeth as I talk to the ceiling.)
She is becoming more and more of a “real” person everyday. Saying new things. Doing new tricks. Growing. Changing. Utterly blowing my mind and swelling my heart.
As I watch this little dishwater-blonde-haired girl blossom, I can’t help but think about all of the things I want to say to her. Things about life. About love.
About Jesus.
Bottom line, my sweet daughter: It’s OK.

When you want to dress up as a princess and then go out play with the worms on the sidewalk in a rainstorm, it’s OK.
When you get frustrated learning how to zip your jacket, it’s OK.
That moment I discover you took your not-so-washable markers and drew on my walls, here’s a rag to clean it up—it’s OK. (But please don’t do it again.)
On the days when you wake up in “a mood,” it’s OK.
Later in life, when you get embarrassed in front of your friends, it’s OK.
In the moments when you are so angry you want to scream, go ahead—it’s OK.
When you try to “help” me with some household chores but really just make more of a mess, I see your heart behind your motives—it’s OK.
Remember that the first time we have a real argument, I still love you—It’s OK.
On the day your heart breaks for the first time and you want to cry until you can’t cry anymore, I will be here—it’s OK.
As we move across the country, leaving our temporary roots to support Daddy as a soldier, we will be together and will always be “home,” so it’s OK.
For the time that I make a rule that you think is completely unfair, just trust me—it’s OK.
Although I am a few decades older than you, remember that I was a little girl once too and will seek to understand your heart—it’s OK.
In the moment that you make a not-so-wise decision and have to pay the consequences, know that grace will cover you—it’s OK.
When you feel lost, alone, confused or hurt, Jesus understands—it’s OK.
On the days that seem to pull you down and drain your heart of hope, embrace the cross with full knowledge that Tomorrow, it will be OK.
Trust me, daughter. And trust Jesus. It’s OK.
[bctt tweet=”To my daughter: Trust Jesus. It’s OK. #lovemom @7DaysTime”]

Friends, what aspect of raising a girl would you add to this list of “It’s OK?” We would love to hear from you. Chime in and leave a comment.
Being a Mama to a little girl is hard—and rumor has it that it doesn’t exactly get easier. I am grateful for this current season when boys are just platonic playmates and dressing up only goes as far as our living room.
For now, when this mama’s heart is weary, fighting worry and overwhelmed with this call as my Little One’s earthly guide, I just close my eyes, open my ears and here Christ’s gentle whisper to my heart:
“It’s OK.”
The voice came a second time: “If God says it’s okay, it’s okay.” ~Acts 10:15 MSG

Sharita Knobloch describes herself as a Jesus-loving, enthusiastically creative minister, writer, and Blackaby Spiritual Leadership Coach. She loves encouraging others to find Jesus at 7 Days Time Ministry. She adores her family, specifically her Beloved U.S. Army Infantry husband Brandon, their sweet daughter Charis, and goofy little dog Justus. Sharita enjoys exploring her current “home” state of Washington, working on her love-hate relationship with running, breaking in new journals with inky pens, and the occasional square of dark chocolate in the bathtub.
Connect with Sharita on her Website, Facebook or Twitter.
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Sharita, I loved this. Yes, it’s okay when we place our trust in Jesus. He can handle it.
What a great message to communicate to our daughters: it’s okay! 🙂
It’s okay when you fall in love and leave home! Yep, that’s the stage I’m in and it’s a tough one. I told my husband that it’s a good thing I like him. Really, each stage is a joy of its own and I love seeing her so happy and making a home of her own. What a lovely and encouraging post. Brought back a lot of memories!
Such an encouragement, big girls(grown up daughters) need this message as much as the little ones. 🙂 loved it.
My momma, it is ok when your daughter gives you the evil eye or says “you are so mean”….because they will say thank you and I am sorry later.
And…it is ok to go cry your heart out when it happens because it will break your heart a little, but it is ok….
because the shell we erect keeps us from the healing He gives as we identify with the rejection He feels from us when we have our own grown up tantrums. But the beauty of redemption shines as He shows us the power of love covers a multitude of sin.:)
Good thoughts. I think the way they are able to say and be “ok” is when they know their identity IN CHRIST. Regardless of the external circumstances.
Great post and encouragement. 🙂
This is beautiful and so true. Thank you for sharing your heart.
It’s okay if you feel different from your friends.
Many Blessings Sharita , Thanks a lot for your encouragement.
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