Lately I’ve been working on making free printables for you. I love free printables. And now I’m falling in love with making them, so there will most likely be more in the future! I hope you find them useful.
But, first let me share a free printable my friend Shari, from Faith filled Food for Moms, made. I adore her printable. We all need a reminder of who we are in Christ, and our value to Him. So if you are needing a little boost in your outlook for the day, hop on over, read her encouraging words and then print that free printable! You’ll be glad you did!
And here are the free printables I have been working on the past week. Click on the images to go to the page with the FREE PDF! Enjoy!
“Haven’t I given up enough already?” I cried.
That is a snippet of the piece I entered in my first writing contest with Faith Radio of the University of Northwestern in St.Paul, Minnesota. Many of you read it. Many of you showed your support in your comments and emails, and many of you voted! Wow! I sincerely and humbly thank you!
Vulnerability does not come easy for me. Yet I am finding a sense of healing in sharing some of the pain. I deeply appreciate that you are a part of that process. Your interest in my little space on the web, is worth more than you will ever know.
“Thank you” doesn’t suffice how much it blesses me to know you are on the other side of these words.
While it is awkward for me to ask for your vote, this is how writing contests go:
The writer, writes. The readers, read. And the voters, vote.
If you haven’t done so already, I would love to have you consider voting for me. You will be asked to login using your email or Facebook page. This is to ensure that your vote is only counted once. So, just once and you’re done!
If you are so inclined, please click the image below to go do that now!
NOTE: Many of you asked if the woman in the image was me. Yes, it was. This is one of the few photos we have of our Amish life. It was taken the evening before our wedding. You can find another photo of my husband and me on our wedding day here. FUN FACT: We hid behind a building to have it taken!
If you are featured, please grab the button and show it off!

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Kaylene Yoder"><img src="" alt="Kaylene Yoder" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Grace & Truth exists to point people to Jesus! We hope this link-up will be a source of encouragement each and every week. If you’re a blogger our hope is that you’ll use this space as a way to meet new friends within the Christian blogging community. If you’re a reader our hope is that you’ll meet new bloggers that love Jesus just as much as you do! Most of all, we hope you’ll meet Jesus here.
Satisfaction Through Christ
Kaylene Yoder
The Brown Tribe
Arabah Joy
A Divine Encounter
Being Confident of This
Busy Being Blessed
Sharing Redemption’s Stories
1.) Follow your hosts via their blog and/or social media channels. This is not mandatory, but appreciated!
2.) Leave 1-2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. Please do not link DIY, Crafts, Recipes, etc. Links of this kind will be deleted. We also reserve the right to delete posts that don’t align with the theme or that are deemed by the hostesses to be inappropriate.
3.) Visit 1-2 other links and leave a meaningful comment! We want to encourage community, so please don’t link and run!
4.) All links are randomly sorted – feel free to link as early or as late as you’d like. The playing field is even!
In order to be featured next week:
5.) Grab a button or link back to encourage new linkers. This is not mandatory to participate, but is required to be featured.
6.) Each host will choose one link to feature and promote via their social media channels next week.
7.) By linking up you agree to allow the hosts to use your featured post image if you are chosen as a feature for next week.
Grab A Button
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Kaylene Yoder"><img src="" alt="Kaylene Yoder" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Join the link-up below!
Thanks so much for hosting!
Hi Kaylene! Thank you so much for featuring my printables, it is an honor!
I love your testimony…God is going to do great things through you (He already is!) May He bless you richly every single day of your life.
I love that you are like Abraham going to a land that you do not know….trusting God every minute.
Lol I have never thought of it that way. I have often related to how Ma Ingall’s might have felt, though. Thank you for reading, Shari. My prayer is thay many people will get a glimpse of grace & salvation through this little spot on the web.
Thank you for sharing your printable. Blessings!
Kaylene, thank you for all the beautiful printables! I loved your essay that you wrote for the contest and hope that lots of people vote for it. The pictures of your family are beautiful. How funny, that you snuck behind a barn to get that wedding picture!
I know, right? 🙂 lol SO glad we did that!
I found your page a couple of days ago and am looking forward to getting to know you Kaylene. It sounds like you have such valuable experiences to share with all of us!
And I, you, friend! Thank you for commenting! I love hearing from my readers! Blessings!
Thank you for an amazing collection of printable inspiration!
Hi Kaylene, Just wanted to say hello! I came across your blog after seeing the “Grace & Truth” link up on a few other blogs.
I too have a heart for encouraging women and I’ve enjoyed browsing around a little bit today. Looking forward to reading more!
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