Protecting Your Husbands Heart: Part 2

Are you protecting your husbands heart? Are you being his “ezer kenegdo”? Find out what that means here.

Thank you for joining Day 2 of this weeks series, going over practical ways of being a wife whose husband’s heart can safely trust in.

2. Speak kind words.

“She speaks with wisdom, 
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.”
~Proverbs 31:26~

In the face of adversity, words fly. 
Words hurt. Words destroy.
Yet, words can build. Words can encourage. Words can heal. 
So listen before thinking. Think before speaking. Choose your words carefully.

Not everything that comes to mind needs to come sailing out of your mouth. Speak gently, kindly and lovingly. 

It is a wise woman who lets her words be only understanding, encouraging and deferring.
A wise woman patiently listens.

She speaks words that encourage when her husband is discouraged.

She praises his abilities.

She expresses thanks for his efforts in his leadership, provisions and parenting, no matter how blundering his efforts may be. She compliments on the good he does and extends grace to the rest.

I can’t say it any better than the word of God.

“A gentle answer turns away wrath” ~Proverbs 15:1~

“He who holds his tongue is wise.” ~Proverbs 10:19~

“Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, 
but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs.” ~Ephesians 4:29~

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up,”
~1 Thessalonians 5:11~

Encourage, encourage, encourage.

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your homemaker’s heart! 
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One comment

  1. Tammy says:

    This is so hard sometimes, especially when you feel hurt, vulnerable & neglected. Even when you know down deep those feelings are unfounded, it is hard to find kind & encouraging words to genuinely speak. Usually, he is being withdrawn due to stress & fatigue from his job, not because of his feelings toward me. Thank you for this blog. The scriptures and your words are a great help to those of us struggling to be better wives.

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