You know the times you just feel empty, and alone… and a little forgotten?
Death took too much from you,
deception dimmed what was once pure joy,
marriages in shambles,
finances exhausted,
living in shame twenty years later,
children gone astray,
parents disowning you,
all the while… your faith is wearin’ thin?

And no matter how hard you try to paste on your happy smile or patch up your heart enough to make it through one more day, you wonder… Why?
Does God even care? Does He see? And if He does…
…where is He?
Can I trust Him?
Because right now you’re not completely assured of that.
His Word promises He will be the Rock that upholds us. He is said to be the Cornerstone that props us up, the shelter strong enough to handle any storm, yet kind enough to hold our hand and gentle enough to hold our heart.
We crave this knowledge. Our heart of hearts, most inner being, recognizes the Father’s call and we are enticed toward His light and warmth. What if He is our safe place? What if we really could be made whole in Him? Our brokenness turned to a masterpiece, our ashes to beauty, our deserts to well watered gardens?
We’re all searching. We’re all grabbing at hope.
And the perfect Physician, the watcher of our souls is reaching out His hand beckoning us to come to Him so He may give us rest. He is conducting soul calls in hopes He might attract us to His way, His truth, and His life.
The Scriptures found alongside these 7 Reasons You can Trust God with your mess, might bless you today. (hugs)
When we come to the end of ourselves, the end of our abilities, the ceasing of our understanding… there we start learning the expansion of His trustworthiness.
There we start to experience the wholeness derived from our brokenness. A wholeness that is driven by our restlessness. A wholeness initiated by the One who desires our completion infinitely more than we do.
Are you desiring to learn of our Father’s trustworthiness?
Maybe you are trying to scratch through the mess of life and see where your faith feet are planted?
Maybe you, too, are meeting up fast with a paper thin faith and you are scared for your life that you might crash right through to a brutal unknown.
If that’s you, my friend, I hope you will join us in this 30-day Trust Scripture Study.

Here’s what to expect:
- 65 page Printable Workbook (in black, white and grayscale to reserve ink)
- 30 days of Bible passages focusing on the topic of Trust
- Soul deep encounters with Christ as you work through our R.E.S.T. Bible Study Method
- Each day will take 15 – 30 minutes depending on how long you prefer to rest with the Father
- A breakthrough in your faith and dependence in the Lord
- Renewed (or an all new!) intimacy with Christ
- …and whatever else the Lord wants to teach you!
It is very important for you to know that this is not a devotional. (Read the Testimonies below.)
There are very few human inspired words in this Trust Scripture Study. Our heart’s desire is to guide you directly to the Word of God and let it speak for itself. We want to inspire you to be Scripture rich.
No fluff. Just you and Jesus spending time, sharing thoughts, and holding hands.

We want you to experience His gentleness, His kindness, and His trustworthiness for yourself. We have designed a guided Scripture studying method called the REST Bible Study Method which will send you fast and deep into the heart of our Heavenly Father.
Friend, I pray that we would have a renewed desire to seek the Lord along with the courage to do so in ever increasing measures.
I pray that when we find Him our brokenness would only become fodder for the garden of wholeness He desires to grow within us.
Grow deep & trust wild – He’s strong enough to hold our wreck. He’s kind enough to hold your hand. And He’s safe enough to hold your heart.

TESTIMONIES of the REST Bible Study Method
“I started it last night, and I enjoyed. It made me stop n think. I prefer workbooks that have questions and fill in blanks or multiple choice answers… but the way you do it, it makes you dig and think.” Tina
I love how you let the word speak for itself and don’t try to twist it into something that it isn’t. I plan on using it in the future when I read the Bible to make sure that I am really getting from it what I need to get. I’m already looking for the next study of yours that I can do. My best friend does them at the same time as me and she loves it as well.” ~ Erika
“I just wanted to let you know that I have really enjoyed and learned a great deal from the R.E.S.T. Bible Study Method. I will definitely use this method again.“ ~ Patricia
Find More REST Method Bible Studies when you CLICK HERE.

Don’t forget to claim your free Trust Scripture Reading List. Share with a friend and invite her to take the Trust Scripture Study with you!