Hello, praying friend! Here at KayleneYoder.com we are a growing community of women who are tapping into prayer in big ways.
Not because prayer is our last resort, but because its our most powerful resource.

Prayer brings us to the heart of the One who loves you and I more than we can fathom. There, in the presence of the Master Potter we are molded and shaped into beautiful reflections of Him. We are infused with His character, anointed with His peace, and showered in His grace.
Dear friend, I don’t know why you clicked though to this 7-Day Fasting and Prayer Guide. I don’t know if your marriage is in crisis or if your are simply looking to deepen your prayer life.
But I know this – I’ve hit rock bottom. Worn out, weary, just done with the pain. So much so that I prayed the Lord would either take the pain or let me die. (I share a little about that in my first book.)

And I also know the Healer who is patching up my soul is the same Healer who wants to salve your cracked heart and restore it to wholeness and rest.
In this 7-Day Email Course you will learn how to pray for your husband and your marriage, as well as learn many different ways to fast. (The fasting guide is optional and fully customizable to your health needs.)

What to expect from this 7-day Fasting & Prayer Guide
Each day you will receive an email with:
- A specific prayer to pray over your husband or marriage
- A daily Fasting Challenge
- A Free Scripture Writing Journal with daily Scripture writing prompts
- A daily Devotional Reading suggestion
- A little note from me (because I’ve been where you are & wished I had someone to talk to)
My greatest prayer for this Free 7-Day Fasting and Prayer Guide is that you will find hope and healing in Jesus.
May He become the Restorer of your Broken Walls, the Nourisher of your soul, your ultimate Source of satisfaction.
*Please consult your health care provider before fasting.