A Prayer that Your Husband will Live in Joy
Father, You are the Author and Perfecter, the beginning and the end. You make all things and You make all things new. Today, renew a steadfast spirit in my husband. One that will not waver when trials are ablaze. One that is accepting of whatever You bring for the refining of his soul.
Father, when anxiety is great within him, may Your consolation bring him joy. (Ps.94:19) Do not let him be so distraught and burdened that he cannot find gladness of heart. Teach him that where You are, there is joy. Let him rest knowing You bring nothing that will harm or destroy Your faithful ones.

Teach him to see trials for what they are; the testing of his faith. May knowing that You want to know that he is faithful give him greater joy to endure the refining You do. Then when he has endured, complete his joy as he looks back and sees growth and maturity in himself. (James1:2-4) May he rejoice in You, Lord, because You have proven to be his strength, and enabled him to go through the heights and storms of life. (Hab.3:18-19)
When life is good and easy for a time, help him see it as a gift from You. A period of resting and rejuvenating. Help him not take it for granted but to be joyful and thankful, ever preparing his heart and mind with Your word. May he not slack in growing up in Your wisdom, ever seeking You.
Make him glad with Your presence. May he always trust in You, no matter the storm or season he faces. May he find strength in Your unfailing love and not be shaken, (Ps.21:6-7) but be a man who finds joy in the calm, the mundane, the trial, on the long roads, and always experiencing the greater joy that can only come from You. Ever shine Your face upon him. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I really love, love this one. The joy of the Lord is my strength! Praise the Lord!!! Thank you for this wonderful prayer.
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