5 Minute Friday: I Can’t Write

Over at lisajobaker.com, the fabulous Lisa hosts a weekly blog party called Five Minute Friday.

The rules are simple:

  1. She decides on a one-word writing prompt. This week it is “WRITER”.
  2. Bloggers everywhere set their timers for five minutes.
  3. Our pens fly….can you hear the frantic scritchety-scratch? 
  4. We publish our five-minute masterpiece & share with the world.

Here’s mine. You know me… It turned out a poem!

Feeling called by the Lord, I listened to His words,
Disbelieving, this is what I heard,
He said, “Write. Go get a pen.”
What?!! Why? More importantly, when?
I have no time! I can’t do that.
Writer’s are nerds, and that’s a fact.
They wear big glasses and smell of books,
They are pale and peaked in their looks.
Now, I can write poems! Those are fun!
But, once a year, and then I’m done.
No, thank you, Lord, I can’t sit still, You know.
He smiled and said, “Go get a pen. I’ll make it flow.”
So, now I write words that aren’t my own,
All glory to Him -Oh!-It’s time to go.
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Five Minute Friday


  1. Nancy says:

    I'm amazed! I find myself here, right behind you and we just met on twitter. That's a goose bump moment! Love your poem! When He says "write" we write! Have a joy filled weekend!

  2. Jennifer McLarty says:

    Love it! 🙂 So creative! I tend to prefer writing poetry to prose as well although with this Five Minute Friday, I've been getting more comfortable with the non-poetry types. 🙂

  3. Of Love and Letters. says:

    I LOVE this!! It was so so wonderful and I can SO relate! Your words; "so now I write words that aren't my own…" Just beautiful! I feel the EXACT same way! So glad you listened to His call, that we all do at times and let HIS words flow through us! Thanks for visiting my little space too, and thank you again for this, your words touched my heart!

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