A Prayer for Your Husband to find Peace
Dear Jesus, in you we are promised peace. In that promise and the knowledge that You overcame the world, we take heart. (John 16:33) In You, we able to have peace at all times and in every way.(2Thess.3:16)
When the road is rocky and darts of the evil one are being fired from all directions, help my husband see that holding on to his faith, keeping his mind steadfast on You, will keep him in perfect peace. (Is.26:3) Help him hold on to Your promises so he may be kept from stumbling and falling to temptations of the mind & soul like despair, hopelessness, depression, slacking or distrust in You.

Father, help him not be anxious about anything, but in everything, make his requests known to You through prayer and petition. Let him rest in knowing that You are not slack in Your promises. Guard his heart and his mind. (Phil.4:6-7) Establish a firm belief in him that You Yourself are his one and only source of peace. (Eph.2:14) Your ways will never fail him. May he rest knowing that following Your way will always lead him to serenity of heart and mind.
Father, move my husband’s heart to also promote peace in all he does. Remind him to not be quick to argue or seek revenge. It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel. (Pr.20:3) You have not made my husband to be a fool, but a man of courageous faith. Help him be kind, patient and loving, making ever effort to do what leads to peace and the mutual edification of those around him. (Romans 14:19) When he experiences difficulties with other people, remind him to not do or say anything out anger, frustration or revenge, escalating the situation and giving others doubt of his salvation and Your goodness. May his gentle peaceable ways help others see You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
This is such a wonderful prayer!!! How we all need peace at times and we really do need to promote peace. Our husbands as head of our household need that peace daily. Kaylene, you are so kind and loving to share these prayers with us. Thank you so much.
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