Hi! I am Kaylene.
Wife. Mom. Author. Speaker.
Grace dweller. Wisdom Seeker.
Broken Vessel. King Esteemer.
Glory Hunter. Grow meeker.
Highly favored. Blessing reaper.
Mighty Warrior. Strong in Weakness.
I am my Father’s Daughter.
In His power I cross the waters.
In His shelter I brave the storms
In His name I break strongholds.
By His blood I’ve been set free.
His whisper reverberates from that tree,
“Come, my daughter. Come to Me.
And I… I will set you free.”

My husband, Sam & I have been married since 2007. You can hear of our rocky marriage testimony when you CLICK HERE.
Sam & I were both born, raised, and got married in the Amish culture. We chose to leave the Amish culture in 2009. We love our heritage, but it does not define us. I write about our Amish heritage occasionally, but haven’t felt led to focus on that element of our lives much.
Mostly, you will find Scripture-based prayers and encouraging devotional type thoughts here.
My heart’s desire is to love Jesus in my everyday routines and bless others through my written offerings.
June 2007
Rebels from the start, eh!?! 😅
June 2018

Kaylene also written four prayer books, three of which Amazon has labeled as Best Sellers.
CLICK HERE to see A Wife’s 40-day Fasting & Prayer Journal (40 day devotional Bible study)
CLICK HERE to see 40 Scripture-based Prayers to Pray Over Your Husband
CLICK HERE to see 40 Scripture-based Prayers to Pray Over Your Wife
CLICK HERE to see 40 Scripture-based Prayers to Pray Over Your Children
More from Kaylene:
Find 15 digital Bible Studies by Kaylene here: https://kayleneyoder.com/bible-studies/
Find 10 Free Prayer Challenges by Kaylene here: https://kayleneyoder.com/free-prayer-challenges/
Podcasts Kaylene has been honored to share with:
CLICK HERE to listen to A Mom’s Prayer Life with Kaylene Yoder
CLICK HERE to listen to Prayer, Anointing Oil, & Healing
Read a little of Kaylene’s personal story about Leaving the Amish when you CLICK HERE.

I would love to read more about your experiences leaving the amish culture and if you have had any luck rekindling relationships with those who have shunned you.
As time allows & the Lord leads I will be sharing bits and pieces of our story. I have to believe we will be working on rekindling relationships for the rest of our lives. Currently we are able to reach quite a few family members. Mostly parents & siblings, however, it is often strained. There is always hope! We pray proof of Christ in our lives will speak for us in ways words can’t.
Good morning Kaylene.
My husband said something to me this morning that stopped me in my tracks. He said that it’s hard for him to be a jerk to me when I’m being so nice to him. What a wake up call!!
I hope other women realize that their words and actions have a direct link on how they are treated by their husbands. While this is not the csse for all marriages, it is something to think about.
What my husband said to me this morning comes 1 day after I finally gave into Jesus’ will & plan for me. He is teaching me that not only am I to submit to His will, but I also need to submit to my husband.
Your blog has given me some great ideas to try. And it is comforting to know that our husbands may not really understand our motivations or recognize the change we are still blessed by God for our work.
I really like your blog. Nice simple but effective ways to help us be better women, wives, mothers & friends. God bless you for your work. I will be follow your blog for encouragement & maybe some advice.
Have a blessed day.
I’m so glad you are here, Linda. I pray you will continue to be blessed in this little space. I don’t claim to be anyone special! Just a girl trying to reach other women for the Lord. Blessings!
Kaylene I love your blog and your heart for God. It is so inspiring! It shows you are definitely a woman after God’s own heart and I will be praying for you to continue on strong and courageous in your walk with God. Grace upon grace he gives us! God bless you!
Thank you for your teaching. I’m keen to learn how to be the best wife I can. My husbands name is Steve.
Glad to have you here, Heather. I hope you will find many encouraging articles and resources as you browse our site. ?
Kaylene thank you for your transparency in sharing about your struggles in your marriage. I desire for my husband to give his life to Christ and lead and cover his household as God would have him to do. It is on him but he struggles with being vulnerable as it may show him as weak in his mind. Please share words of wisdom for me to be that agent of change for him.
Hello Staci! My best advice is to simply be an example of Jesus to him. Sacrificial love is hard and can feel scary. We are only in charge of changing ourselves. We are also the only ones responsible for our maturity and growth in the Lord. Seek Him first and always. Ultimately He is your Leader and your Cover. There was a time when my prayer was simple. “Lord, You be my husband.” That kept my eyes and heart fixed on the Lord & in an eternal perspective, which opened the gate for me to simply love my husband where he was. This also means that when you see growth in your husband you will give all credit, honor, praise and glory to your Heavenly Father.
A great thing to pray over your husband is that he would be led to a Christian men whom he can be real with. And also that the Lord would lead your husband to pursue growth. Imagine yourself lifting your husband to the Lord each morning, saying, “he is Yours. Teach Him Your truth, be gentle with him, love him in ways that will make him turn to You.”
I hope this is encouraging in some way! Each situation is different, but our Heavenly Father remains the same. Seek Him above all else.
Hi kaylene , I’m so blessed and I thank God for coming across your web site 8 days ago.
I was doing a research on fasting that day, when the Holy Spirit led me to your website. , its amazing what God is doing in your life for His glory. He is using you to bless countless women throughout the world ,in which Iam one of them..
I just completed A wife’s 7 days fasting and praying challenge for my husband..
Thank you Kaylene for your availability.
Being confident of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ .. Philippines 1:6
What an honor that the Lord would minister to you through these written offerings. All glory to Him!
Ms. Kaylene! God led me to your book, 40 day fast for marriages, at a time when I was going through the worst with my husband. It was a trial but your book helped me and within the first week, things started to change. We were blessed with a new home so I broke the fast as we packed up and re-settled but now I’m back following along with you and I absolutely am thankful for it. The enemy has tried so many times but from you I’ve learned to ‘yield my right to be right’ and to use wisdom and silence. My husband is not saved and he can be described as a narcissist so sometimes when I say the prayers there’s a voice in the back of my mind saying this will never be my husband but then I think on the fact that nothing is impossible for our God. I was truly blessed to read about the promises of God a few days ago, so now I can stand stronger on faith trusting that God will do what he will do in his timing.
I just wanted to say thank you, your book has been such a blessing to me as I mature on my spiritual journey. I am sure by the time I get to day 40 that I will see God’s hand at work fully in my marriage.
God bless you!
Hi Kaylene,
I was thrilled to come across a section in your blog that was open to comments. In all honesty, I was even more thrilled to stumble across you through Pinterest while mindlessly looking for inspiration and God led me here! I have actually been composing a ‘thank you-type’ email in my head to you as I kept coming across such useful, powerful things for me during my quiet prayer/devotional alone time. I have been joyfully browsing your blog for the past hour, downloaded all your available templates, subscribed to your devotional, and even ordered your trusting God book. However, what brought me the most joy in this late-night hour, was the fact that this was yet another God wink beautifully unfolding. I refer to God winks as God‘s way of speaking to me, indirectly, as I navigate life in challenging times. Well, during all times really. You see, I have this close friend who has recently discovered the wonders of God. I never even realized the impact I made on her by just being me and loving Jesus. Back in October she actually thanked me for finding God through ME. 🥹 She literally just bought her very first Bible about a week ago, shared it with me, and even shared a couple journal entries. I was so moved, touched, and humbly honored that she shared this with me and in turn, catapulted me to strengthen my relationship with Jesus even more. She doesn’t even know how much she has helped me in return. I love the way God works in our lives and it truly brings me to my knees.
Anyway, I apologize for the length of comment here, but I felt compelled to share that with you as I know you can probably appreciate that as much as I appreciate the generosity and helpfulness of your website. I haven’t even read your testimony yet, but I’m saving the best for last. 😉
Somehow, someway, God will open a door for me to publicly share my testimony eventually. Until then, I’ll keep committed to His faithful word and promises.
I’m Carrie. A child of God, elementary teacher turned almost RN, wife, mother, daughter, recovering alcoholic, born-again christian devoting her life to Christ in an imperfectly perfect way.
May the Lord continue to bless you as you walk by His side.
With much gratitude & blessings always,
Carrie Ann Parker