Most women I know want their life to be one that has an impact on others; on that will carry influence wherever we go and make a lasting impression for what is good and right and true.

Isaiah 33:15-16 gives five things we can do that will help us spill eternal influence into the lives of others. I encourage you to read this passage for yourself, but here’s a little breakdown of it.
5 Ways to Carry Influence in Your Daily Life
“[She] who walks righteously
1.“Speaks what is right”
What spills out of our mouths settles into the hearts of all those around us. Are we speaking truth? Is our mouth a fountain of wisdom, love and encouragement? Or do people hear the putrid pool of bitterness, anger, gossip and slander coming from us?
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who hear.” (Ephesians 4:29)
2. “Rejects gain from extortion”
The opposite of extortion is honesty and integrity. We have many chances in life to cheat, lie, manipulate, and connive for our own gain.
What if we rejected and refused to indulge our flesh for our own gain and chose to walk in honesty and integrity in every little situation?
When we are faithful in the little things – the kind word, the honest dealing, the gentle hand – we gain ground in the Lord and our influence expands in the hearts of the few who experience our character.

3. “Keeps [her] hand from accepting bribes”
Bribes are not only physical things like candy, money, or favor in exchange for something we do.
Bribes come in many forms. Often the adult version of a bribe is enticement to an addiction or an attraction to something that turns our peace of mind into fear, doubt, or anger.
How many times are we led to believe something about someone because of something we heard?
Gossip is a bribe. An unchecked mind will bribe you to unhealthy thoughts every single time. Feelings & emotions that are not sorted through with truth, become a bribe that encourages worldliness to turn our serenity in the Lord into turbulence of the heart, mind, and soul.
Don’t let the enemy bribe you into his chaos.

4. “stops [her] ears against plots of murder”
Gossip is a three way social murder plot.
1) It kills the person its spoken about.
2) When we listen to it without speaking truth or wisdom to the one speaking, we allow the one speaking to choose death. And
3) when we indulge in gossip ourselves, we invite the assassination of our own influence.
Refuse to gossip. Refuse to tear down someone else’s name. Be the one voice who leads people to a more solid conversation.
5. “shuts [her] eyes against contemplating evil”
Contemplating evil means to meditate on getting revenge. How often do we secretly wish something upon the ones who have hurt us?
Choosing to ‘shut our eyes’ against wishing, hoping and desiring revenge means we choose something else. We choose to do the hard work of forgiving.
That’s not always easy, but it’s the right choice for a one who desires to carry massive influence with her life.

Benefits of Pursuing Biblical Influence
These five virtues from Isaiah 33:15 are living testaments that will impact the lives of those around you.
Your consistency in these traits will show your loved ones, neighbors and community that living in a manner that is right before the Lord is desirable and will lead to benefits and blessing.
Isaiah 33:16 goes on to say the one who does these five things “is the [one] who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. His[her] bread will be supplied, and water will not fail him[her].” (brackets added)
Jesus is the Bread that will be supplied to you. He is the Living Water that will not fail you.

May you choose Him as your Mighty One who helps you through each situation, helping you walk in the way of the Lord. May He make your life a place of broad rivers and streams; a place of hope and life and influence through Him. (Isaiah 33:21)
“When the storms of life have swept by, the ones who chose the ways of the Lord stand firm. (Proverbs 10:25) Make the way of the Lord your refuge today. (Proverbs 10:29)
You are doing more than just living an unnoticed life.
You influence everyone around you through your words, attitudes, and actions.
May the influence they experience be one that models the Lord’s ability to be their refuge, strong tower, Savior and friend.
Just like He is yours.
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