This 5-day prayer challenge, will give you powerful prayers to pray over your son.
Each prayer is steeped in the Scriptures, which enables you to pray effectively and with purpose.

Scripture is relevant to all people, 2 Timothy 3:16 mentions, and good for training in character and righteousness.
Around here, we take God at His Word and trust that His Scriptures can be prayed for all ages.
We also believe praying Scripture over others will have a beneficial effect on the individuals walk in life.
We’d love to partner with you in praying for your son!

What to Expect from this Prayer Challenge
When you join this 5-day Prayer Challenge you will receive a daily email with a prayer. (5 days = 5 prayers)
Topics you will find to pray over your son:
- his wisdom
- daily choices
- his example
- his character
- for greater faith
You will also receive a FREE Scripture Writing Journal with a few daily Scriptures that go along with the prayer topic of the day. There will be room for you to write your own prayers and thoughts.

Disclaimer: Each of these prayers to pray over your son is a spin-off of the prayers found in the Amazon Best-seller book, 40 Scripture-based Prayers to Pray Over Your Children.
When you fill out the form below, you will receive the first prayer within 5-10 minutes!