Very quickly, and right before my eyes, my boys are turning into young men.
My younger son has gained some independence over the past year, and my older son has passed me in height and has spent time away from home pursuing his passion. One thing that I’ve found to be extremely beneficial in their growth and development has been the presence of godly role models.
If I want my sons to grow to be godly men, I need to be sure they are surrounded by men who will be a model of excellence for them.

I love the verse in Luke 2, talking about Jesus’ growth and development. This is a verse we’ve prayed for our sons, trusting that God would work the same way in their lives:
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Luke 2:52
Our prayer for our sons has always been that God would provide just the right people, especially men, to speak wisdom and godliness into their lives. We had a very specific answer to this prayer during the month our older son was away.
He attended a camp for talented teen-aged musicians this summer, about 5 hours from home. He lived on campus, which we knew would not necessarily be a Christian experience, but would provide excellent opportunity for growth.

We made it through all of the various check-in procedures and our final conversation was with the conductor, well-known in his field. His parting words to me as I prepared to leave were, “May God bless you.” He led a Bible study on campus and my son spent time taking lessons with him. I was grateful – and sort of in awe – of how God specifically answered this prayer. It was a confirmation for my heart that there are quality, Christian people in the field of music performance.
You see, we hope our sons will grow up to follow God’s leading in their lives. We believe that God has given them talents and abilities tat will be a blessing to others, that will be the tools they can use to change their world.
At every step of the way, God has provided role models for our sons. Our kids have the blessing of having two godly grandfathers, and a father who loves the Lord. Both boys have had strong interaction with men who have spoken life into their hearts. For both boys, we have found those men in a variety of church activities – small group and youth group, to name just a few.
Godly role models should reinforce what you’re teaching at home. They should be ones who will come alongside and speak to our sons about righteousness, holiness and pursuing God. Those conversations and interactions may take place in ways we can’t even imagine, but God will provide just the right interaction for each person.

Are you looking for role models for your son? The church is a great place to start. Pray for wisdom. Pray for God to move in the heart of a man, or men, who will be able to step in and be a blessing to your son.
Pray for role godly models in all areas of his life – teachers, coaches, employers, mentors – who will help him grow in his pursuits, but will also show him how to include Jesus in every aspect of life.
This summer I was blessed to hear the conductor who worked with my son proclaiming the Creator of the universe to an audience of a few hundred people. What a blessing to know that my son has seen godliness in action on the world stage – just the kind of role model we’re praying for his life as he pursues his passion of music.
[bctt tweet=”Pray specifically for godly role models in your sons life. #boymom @RebekahHallberg “]

Rebekah has been completely overwhelmed by the grace and mercy of the Lord in her life. He has proven His faithfulness in every area of her life, especially in her marriage. She has come to understand the power of redemption and God’s work in people’s lives. Her goal is to be Sharing Redemption’s Stories – spreading the good news of God’s mercy and grace to a world in need.