This New Testament Bible Reading Plan will take you on a yearlong journey through the life of Jesus, the early church, prophecies and instructions for your daily walk with the Lord.

Printable Old Testament Bible Reading Plan
An Idea for using this Bible Reading Packet
In this PDF you will find:
- 4 Sheets of Bible readings assigned to each day of the year, divided by quarters
- A daily Bible Study page, duplicable to your needs
To assemble a yearlong personal journey through the New Testament, consider this idea:
- Purchase a large sturdy three-ring binder.
- Print the Bible Reading Plans.
- Print the daily Bible study sheet 365 times.
- Then place the Bible Reading plans and the Bible Study sheets in the binder by months. You may want to add divider tabs by month for easy reference.
To use your 365-day New Testament Bible Reading Plan:
Each day read the assigned passage from the Bible Reading List, then follow it up by jotting down your thoughts using the daily Bible study page. This reading and personal journaling practice will take approximately 30 minutes a day.
I trust the Lord will reach you deeply as you open His Word and make your heart teachable before Him. May being in His presence become the sweetest part of every day.

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