Truths about Following Your Heart


What all of mankind has been prone to believe is that being a self-governed individual leads to freedom and happiness.

“Follow your heart!” they say. “You will find your destiny!”

You will find true happiness and meaning when you follow your heart.

However, when things fall apart, and life goes from bad to worse, we don’t know how to deal with all the darkness. Life seems pointless and cold.

Over time our hearts become calloused and uncaring. We become more and more diseased with anger, greed, selfishness and other depravities.

At times, we might catch a glimpse of the condition of our cold heart toward others, but we don’t know that it is such a big deal because, after all, our hearts led us here, and it would never mislead.

Or, would it?

A heart that is conditioned to follow itself would have us believe we are self-sufficient. That we are our own beginning and end; the reason for our very life.

The sad truth about our hearts, is that it can be a deceitful thing. It can drive a person to do and say things they wouldn’t if they were otherwise trained. When left to itself, it has the capacity of deceiving us into our own ruin. 

We need be to aware of how the heart can mislead, so we can condition and equip ourselves with truth.

Follow me over to Satisfaction Through Christ blog where I share a few truths about following your heart, followed by a beautiful promise of hope.

Here is one truth: the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:8

Click the image to read the rest!

Find vital truths a bout following your heart. Is it really as dependable as we make it out to be?

