30-Day Developing Godly Character Scripture Study

Developing godly character is the mark of a life lived for Christ. Those who love Him will behave differently.

However, developing a character and mindset like Christ’s takes some time – generally speaking, it will take the rest of our lives!

My personal aspiration from the passages in this Developing Character Scripture Reading List is to grow humbler and wiser.

Some days that means I need to repent from anger and unforgiveness.

Other days it means I will try again to love others the way they need to be loved instead of how I feel they deserve it.

Some moments I completely botch my goal of living and responding like Christ, and I must practice humbling myself and seeking forgiveness from others. …with a rather unflattering red face!

What is in this Free Bible Study?

In this DIY Bible Study, you will find:

  1. A 30-day Scripture Reading List
  2. A daily Bible Study page, and
  3. A Prayer Request page.

How to assemble your Bible Study

To prepare your personal Scripture Study print the whole study once.

Then print/duplicate the daily Bible study page twenty-nine more times and the prayer request page as often as desired.

To assemble your 30-day Scripture study, punch holes using a three-hole punch.

Then place all pages in a three-prong folder or a half-inch binder. (I like to tuck the Prayer Request pages in the back pocket and use as needed.)

Have your 30-day Scripture Study sent to you below!

Using your 30-day Scripture Study is easy!

Each day read a passage from the Scripture Reading List, then follow it up by working through the daily Bible study page. This will take approximately 10+ minutes.

Studying God’s Word doesn’t have to be complicated or super time consuming for Him to speak to us intimately.

I trust He will reach you deeply as you open His Word and make your heart teachable before Him. May you be richly blessed as you seek His presence daily.

BTW… Grab your free 30-day Scripture Study below!

Grab your Scripture Study HERE!

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