A Prayer for Your Husband to Grow in Christ-like Love
Father, You love us more than we could ever fathom. You are who You are, and You, oh Lord, are the epiphany of love. You gave Your perfect son, Who then lived a life of love and gave Himself up for us. I praise You for Your great and perfect example of love: to do for others what they don’t deserve. To love others the way they need to be loved and not how they deserve to be loved. I pray today You will put such a love into my husbands heart.
You have given my husband a heart of flesh, a teachable spirit. Teach him how to love unselfishly and without expecting anything in return. Teach him not to seek his own good or have ulterior motives when he serves others, but to be genuinely concerned about the well-being of others. (Phil.2:4) Teach him a Christ-like love which is patient and kind, not envying, boastful, proud, rude or easily angered. (1Cor.13:4-8)
Father, love must be sincere. I pray my husband will do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than himself. (Phil.2:3) Help him lay down his will and plans when it is edifying to others to do so. Help him to see that in humbling himself, he is not giving up or being shamed, but rather in he will receive a greater reward in the future.

When dealing with his children, help him to display unconditional love. When parenting is tough, give him wisdom and understanding, modeling Christ-like love to his children, making You appealing and approachable to them.
As the leader of our marriage, help him to display love to me. Help us each be selfless, giving more than we takes. Help my husband see my requests as needs not demands. Father, soften his heart toward me and our children as he gives himself up for us.( Eph.5:25,28,29)
Help him trust You with what he can’t control. May he not condemn others when they don’t see things the way he does. Remind him often to love his neighbor as himself. (Matt.23:37-38)May he live in a way that outsiders may see You through his loving humble acts of service.
May he learn to love You with all his heart, all his soul and all his mind. Remind him often that neither life nor death, neither angles nor demons, neither the present nor the future, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate him from Your great love. (Romans 8:38-39) Let him rest secure in that promise. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen.
This prayer is just perfect. Thank you so much. I’ll be praying this every week until the end of our days together.
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