Often heard when speaking of a wife’s role, Proverbs 14:1 simply states, “A wise woman builds her house, but with her hands the foolish one tears hers down.”
Now, while a woman could literally build her house, that is not what this verse is talking about. The building of the house a woman does is in the hearts of those who occupy its rooms, turning brick and drywall into a warm, welcoming home.

As the heart of our home, we do well to build our home strong, ready to weather any storm of life. We do this by our words, actions, and attitudes. A home filled with love, kindness, beauty, warmth, harmony, unity, joy and acceptance starts in our own heart.
Our most important assignment as the ‘woman who builds her home well’ is building into the hearts, minds and souls of our loved ones.
As we watch day and night over our loved ones making sure they are fed, comfortable, clothed, lavished with love, spoken kindly to, taught right from wrong and resolve conflicts peacefully, we are carrying the image of Christ.
As we go from room to room constantly tending to the affairs of her household, making sure everything runs smoothly and harmoniously, let’s not forget to initiate laughter and connection.
Often we become bogged down and weary of being the helper, healer, gluer, lifter, pillar, rock, nourisher, soother, peacemaker, organizer, teacher, encourager… exhausted?!!! Yes!
Praise the Lord we have a divine blueprint spelled out in God’s word to help us set the moral and spiritual climate of our homes.

Here are four ways to build your home wisely:
1. Build your home spiritually by demonstrating godly character day in and day out. Be an example of Christ to your husband and and children.
2. Build your home economically with smart tactics, that will save both time and money. Being efficient with your resources will profit the whole home.
3. Build your home with the Lord. Go to God’s divine blueprint when the boards, nails and foundations for your home get shaken. Ask the Lord for wisdom hard things of life. Find strength and courage in Him in the trials. Seek His comfort when life breaks your heart. And for encouragement when you get weary. Do it all with the Lord.
4. Build your home for the Lord even when all others around you don’t. Even when others scorn, forsake, or say you are weak because you do it God’s way…. Even when God’s way is hardest, build your home for the Lord.
You just finished reading a portion of the “Wisdom for Wives” course, a 7-lesson Bible Study designed to equip and encourage you in your walk as a wife.
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“After doing the first lesson, I had to stop myself from racing on to lesson two, because I wanted to take time to grasp and mull over all that lesson one held.” ~ Karen
“THIS…IS…FANTASTIC. All of it. Just wow! I have purchased other courses and studies and was very disappointed in the quality. But this! This is the best online Bible study I have purchased. Thank you for the light you are shining for so many wives.” ~ Mrs. B
“Thank you so much for taking the time to provide this study. I wish I had something like this when I first got married. So much of our marriage would have made sense. Possibly a lot of pain avoided, even. I am sharing with all the ladies in my small group.” ~ Dorothy