Choosing a word for the year has become a delightful tradition for many.
It’s almost like opening a gift for me. I feel anticipation and excitement as I think, pray and wait for a word to settle in my heart and cause my spirit to nod in agreement.
It’s a simple thing – just a word, really.
But there comes a new hope and enthusiasm for what the year may hold.

It wasn’t always like this for me though.
I used to think it was a bit silly putting so much store into one word.
Plus, I didn’t know how to pick a word, I thought.
However, over the years I have come to appreciate this tradition.
Looking back, I can see how the words I chose often applied directly to the things I learned that year. Or my word and it’s principles helped me get through the harder times of that year.
If you’re not sure how to choose a word for the year, you can find a few tips and thoughts in this article.

A friend asked me once, “How do you use your word throughout the year?”
While there are many ways to learn about your word throughout the year, here are the first steps I like to take.
Ways to Grow using your Word for the Year
1. Search the Scriptures for that exact word.
I like to do a quick search for Bible verses that use my word. That usually gets me an immediate list of Scriptures to read through. This provides a deeper and more guided thought process for me, as well as gives me a few verses or promises to claim along with my word.
TIP – Leave your word in the comments and I’ll try to help you find a few Bible verses to go along with it. ?
2. Scripture Write with your word.
An easy way to dive deep into your word for the year is to create your own topical Scripture writing list.
When you are searching for Bible verses that use or apply to your word, write them down in a composition notebook.
Then over the next few days, write one or two of the Scriptures on your list along with a few thoughts or a prayer inspired by what you are thinking.
Keep your “word for the year” composition notebook handy during your Bible reading times, so you can record more Scriptures that use your word as you find them.

3. Study Biblical Characters and historical people.
Read up on a few people in the Bible and ask yourself how your word topic of the year applied to their life.
Reading about other people’s lives and the obstacles they over came can be very insightful to how a specific word or topic might can apply to our life.
4. Read books on your word topic.
This year my word is lead. So, my reading list includes a few books what it looks like to lead well in life, marriage, parenting and business.
I’m also going through this free 30-day “Lead Your Life Well” Scripture Study.
Depending on your word and the topics surrounding it, you might be able to find a few good podcasts throughout the year, as well.
Actively look for teachings and thoughts that will speak to your word topic.
5. Have your word in plain sight for a continual reminder of what God wants to teach you.
Depending on my word, I will look for at least one piece of home décor throughout the year that uses that word. Wooden word blocks are a great addition to the coffee table or somewhere in the kitchen.
Also, with this trend of having a word for the year, you can now find customize-able jewelry and key chains as a visual reminder of your word. ?

Do you have a word for the year?
How do you plan to learn about it?
Drop it in the comments and I’ll try to help you find a few Bible verses to go along with it. ?
Renew or new
NEW or RENEW make me think of being made new in the attitude of my mind as well as being brought to a new place after remaining faithful to the Lord.
Maybe these verses will speak to you – Psalm 18:25-36, Psalm 23:3, Psalm 51:10-12, Romans 12:2,
My word for the year is “Doing” This is something I struggle with almost in every area of my walk with God.
My word for the year is “restore”
Oh, how I pray this year will bring you much rest for your soul and restoration for your heart. Job 11:13-19 is a favorite of mine for a reminder that the Lord is in control and that all that is going on now will one day make sense when we simply trust Him in the ‘right now’. Here are a few more verses that might encourage you – Isaiah 61:7 & Jeremiah 17:14. ?
Patrinella, I had to think a little about finding a Scripture for ACCOUNTABILITY. As I thought and prayed over this, I was reminded that we are all accountable for the choices we make and that our choices have eternal rewards, whether they are good rewards or of the less desirable. So I settled on a passage found in Deuteronomy 30:19-20 where we are reminded to choose life in the Lord so we may dwell in the Lord’s favor. Maybe this passage will speak to you at times throughout the year…?
Praying for you to remain ACCOUNTABLE to the Lord, seeking Him and serving Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
My word is forgive and I am so excited to start looking for scriptures and books to read on it
I pray this will be a year of healing and hope for you, Gen. ? Maybe the thoughts I shared in this blog post might encourage you-
Love these tips!!!My word is surrender
Hello, Kate! When I think of SURRENDER, the “humble yourselves before God” portions of James 4:8-10 & 1 Peter 5:6 came to mind. Maybe the promises surrounding those two passages will encourage you throughout this year. ?
Patience will suit you well, Kristina!
Roman’s 12:12 comes to mind as well as the fruit of the Spirit. I pray you will have a year of abundant growth as you keep centered in Christ. ?
Hi sister! My word for this year is ‘DISCIPLINE’. This is my second year using the One Word Resolution. I know this word is exactly what I need in my life and I am grateful for the ideas you gave to really dig deep.
DISCIPLINE is a rather uncomfortable word! (Wink!) However, I suspect you will have lots of growth this year. I’m excited for you! ?
My word is “Honor” Thanks to my dear niece who challenged me to have a word for the year.
“that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.”
John 5:23 NIV
“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.”
Proverbs 21:21 NIV
“Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
Romans 12:10 NIV
What a beautiful word! I love that you have taken time to let the Word speak to you about how HONOR applies to your life. ?
Great word for a great year! ?
Keep your eye on the prize! Philippians 3:14 & Hebrews 12:2 might be an encouragement to you this year.
Hi Kaylene! My word is forgiveness. Ugh!! This is going to be a tough one for me. Thanks for the ideas you gave in the post. I purchased a wooden block with my word on it from Etsy and starting on Feburary 1st, I will be doing a month long scripture writing on forgiveness. Please pray for me, as this is a tough word for me. God has shown me several people I need to give forgiveness to, but I am really struggling with doing so, because the hurt they caused me runs very deep.
I love that you are diving into this forgiveness thing, Susan. Embracing growth is what I see you doing. ? February will be a transforming month for you. I pray you will be healed and strengthened and empowered as you learn and grow.
I love little word blocks! What a perfect and non-space-invading way to give yourself a visual of your word.
Love this!!! Last year my word was LISTEN (which I’m not sure how well I did or didn’t do listening last year lol) but this year it’s FOCUS and I’m really loving it. I never thought to look up “focus” in my Bible or even to find books with that theme. Going to do that right now!!
I’m sure you did quite well in learning about listening, Ashlee! ?
A few Bible verses that come to mind when I think of focus are Philippians 3:14 & Hebrews 12:2. They don’t use the word ‘focus’ but they speak of keeping our eyes on the prize, Jesus. Thise two verses often help me get a right perspective or a better focus. ?
TRUST is such a deep word!
A few Scriptures that come to mind are Psalm 13:5-6, Psalm 31:14, Psalm 56:3. I hope these will bless you! ?
My word is courage. I chose it because I have some major changes happening in my life this year and this word is something I can focus on as I take each step forward. One of the verses I focus on is Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go .”
What a beautiful passage to encourage you daily! May you be blessed with strength and joy as you take one day at a time toward healing and greater hope.
My word is lift. To raise from a lower to a higher position: ELEVATE
Psalms 116:13 – I will lift up the cup of salvation and praise the Lord’s name for saving me. NLT
Psalms 146:8 – The Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are weighed down. The Lord loves the Godly.
I prayed for my word and was reminded of so many times that I was lifted up by the Lord from my circumstances. It is my mission this year to lift others.
What beautiful promises and praises you have found to go with your word! May you be LIFTed and ELEVATEd in hope, wisdom and maturity in Christ this year. ?
My word is the word Positive. I prayed and truly felt this word pop in my mind over and over. But now sure how to relate it to scripture. This is my desire. Any thoughts?
When I think of the word POSITIVE I think of verses that surround the idea of renewing our minds and getting a right focus in the Lord.
Maybe these passages will speak to you – Philippians 4:8-9, Ephesians 4:22-24, Colossians 3:2, and Romans 12:2.
Guidance, psalms 46 10. Be still and know I am God
What a wonderful verse to carry with you in your year of seeking guidance. May you find much hope, strength and wisdom as you trust the Lord’s way.
My word is CALM due to the fact I’m nervious and need to CALM down…
Praying for you to feel the Father’s presence all around you. May He calm you with His love and still your heart and mind with His grace and peace. ?
Isaiah 43:1-3 & Matthew 11:28-30 might be an encouragement to you.
My one word is Soar….coupled with Unencumbered. My verses are Isaiah 40:31 NLT, Job 39:26, Hebrews 12:1 AMPC.
I too am excited to see how God will shape this year with my one word.
What words and verses of great promise and hope! I pray this year will bring you abundant joy, peace and growth in the Lord. ?
“WHY” My word for the Year is WHY. I am not sure what I will find or discover but this is my word
This is very interesting, Erica. I am praying your word will lead you to many answers and fulfilled promises. May this year be a time of receiving blessing for the things the past has taken from you. Maybe this word, WHY, and all the questions surrounding it will be answered as you rest in the sovereignty of God. Just a few thoughts I’m having… Praying for you! ?
Joy. I did not necessarily choose this word but it keeps coming up in my life. Going through a marriage trial at this time and I feel God is speaking to me to find JOY even if I am not always at my happiest.
As I read your comment Psalm 94:19 came to mind. His Word gives promise of JOY coming from trials and peace coming in times we do not understand what lies ahead. So I pray that His presence will surround you and that His nearness is what gives you JOY. Nehemiah 8:10 says that the JOY of the Lord is our strength. And so, I pray you will find great comfort, strength and delight in your Heavenly Father even as you walk through this trial. ?
God gave me the word “Restore.” I am excited about this word. I have been experiencing a lot of trials and broken relationships. But in the valley He has been so real and so good.
RESTORE is an exciting word! It holds promise of hope and healing. May this be so for you this year! Joel 2:25, Genesis 50:20, and Job 11:13-19 come to mind for you. ?
Love it.!!!
TRUST is such a deep word! I pray Proverbs 3:5-6 & Psalm 9:10 might encourage you at the right times throughout this year. ?
My word for the year is Growth.
1 Peter 2:2-3 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tastes that the Lord is good.
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your word and verse with us, Shannon! ?
My word this year is “Integrity”
INTEGRITY is such a deep word! Proverbs 11:3 comes to mind, as well as parts of 1 Peter 3. Hope these bless and encourage you throughout this year. ?
My word is patience! This is a struggle for me as I stand for my marriage.
PATIENCE is the supernatural fruit of the Holy Spirit. I pray this fruit over you in abundant measures. Ephesians 4:2 comes to mind. It’s not an easy verse, but I find it a great reminder that the Lord strengthens us to walk the way of His Word whenever we ask Him. ?
My word is “me.” It feels like such a selfish word but my husband keeps telling me I never take time for myself. I’m assuming that’s part of why God gave me this word for the year…
I also just wanted to say I love what you do! I think your spiritual warfare prayers are my favorite so far. They have literally been helping me not feel completely lost and broken right now by putting into words how I’m feeling and what to pray for. Thank you!
Hi Kassi! ME is not a selfish word unless we make it all about ourselves. ? I know you won’t do that! Plus, you have your husband’s encouragement to take care of you. I pray you will find extra time alone with the Lord, as well as many moments of ME-time that will fill your heart and soul with joy. We need those times of rejuvenation so we can better serve and love others. Even Jesus went away on His own! ??
Goodday people as i was reading your comments the word that come to me was SAVE
By the time i was thinking i thought of saving in terms of finances. But within me continues to say save marriage.Good ppl i do nt know but God will help me in his better ways
I am praying for you to experience the restoration of your marriage, Sbongile. May the Lord SAVE the remnants and make something beautiful come from it. I am praying Joel 2:25, Genesis 50:20 & Job 11:13-19 over you for this year. ?
Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
My word is “dwell”. It speaks to me of depth and intimacy with the Lord and His Word, rather than flitting in and out of His presence like a moth.
To dwell with Him means to stop taking sips at His wells and then rushing off to check social media or 100 other inane things that can suck up my day, but rather to linger in His presence, drinking deeply.
Oh wow! What a beautiful word, Belinda. I pray this year will be a year of deep, spiritual growth for you as you DWELL in His love for you. ?
My word is live
Laurie, I pray Psalm 121:7-8 over you this year. May the Lord watch over all you are doing and all you are going through. May His strength become your breath. May His love be the reason you LIVE. And may His presence bring you abundance of life. ?
My word(s) for this year “Take Hold “ – Philippians 3:12-14. I’m finding it everywhere- but specifically to me: taking hold of His goodness Ps 34:8, calmness instead of anxiety, His joy, and compassion instead of judgment.
What a beautiful phrase for you this year! I am praying for you to TAKE HOLD of all the riches He has for you in Himself. ?
My word is “Fearless” (or fear not) I found fear is the source of alot of other emotions like woryy. I’m so tired of worrying for so many years especially over a reoccurring issue. God has my attention. Also, thank you for all you do!
Hi Robin! I pray Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 56:3, John 24:27, Philippians 4:6-7 will speak to you in ways that will settle your heart throughout this year. ?
My word is purpose
Hi Veronica! PURPOSE is such a meaningful word. I pray you will find great PURPOSE and meaning through 1 Peter 2:9 ?
Hi, I’ve never had a word of the year before, but the word “Grace” keeps popping up…I’m thinking God’s grace could (and has) helped me in so many ways. Thanks.
Beautiful word! 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 comes to mind. I trust it will speak to you throughout this year. ?
Hi Kaylene! I’m not sure if my comment posted last time- but the First Word that came to mind was, PRIDE (ouch)! Then commitment and abide! I jotted a few other words down. I know the Lord has been quickening me lately when my “ego” my “flesh” is bruised or feels some kind of way but not a word I wanted to hear. Any thoughts?
Hi Bianca! This is very interesting and thought provoking. Given that you received words like COMMITMENT and ABIDE along with PRIDE, my fist thoughts go to renewing the heart and mind verses as well as James 4:4-8,10. I believe the Lord may be wanting to do a deep and very intimate work in you and He is inviting you into His love.
Don’t let the enemy use the word PRIDE to make you feel guilty. Instead, allow the Lord to speak to you about it. We all have measures of pride to lay down so we may pick up greater humility. It’s part of growing up in Him and learning to ABIDE in Him.
Personally, I love your words. They speak of new growth and a deeper relationship with your Heavenly Father if you turn to Him and COMMIT more of yourself to Him.
I hope this makes sense. Praying with you and for you! God bless!