I remember my mother’s prayers
and they have always followed me.
They have clung to me all my life.
~Abraham Lincoln
This quote pretty much sums up the powerful influence a mother can have even into her child’s adult life.

Making sure my influence over my children’s lives is a prayerful one is my highest “mom goal”.
You see, we are warriors for our child’s soul disguised in human forms that cry a lot, lose it a lot, worry a lot and stress out a lot.
Yet when our knees hit the floorboards in prayer for our child, we become a shield toting, sword wielding, armor bearing warrior. And there is nothing that provides more protection and influence in our child’s life than when we stick to the battle plan of prayer.

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Over my few years of being a mom I have developed a habit of praying Scripture over my children.
I have nothing new to say to God, but reading His word back to Him in prayer is a powerful reminder of who He is and where He stands in the soverienty over all.
Asking Him to bring the blessings and gifts I see in His book into my children’s lives opens avenues for His perfect will to work.
Consistent prayer nourishes and strengthens my own soul in this wild ride of motherhood.
The Father invites us to partake of His love, gently soothes our weary hearts, reorganizes our overwhelmed mind, and re-centers us on the foundation that remains faithful and true – His Son.
I don’t know what parenting struggle you are facing today, but I do know the answer is prayer because it opens communication with the One and Only Way.

Maybe you’re struggling with anger. Take it to Jesus. He felt anger, too.
Maybe you are struggling with physical strength. Take it to the Father. (You can also take a nap!)
Maybe your heart is deeply burdened for your child or you feel like there is little hope. Talk to your Father. (Go read a bunch of Psalms, too.)
Dump out your every care regarding your child. You were never meant to parent this child alone or in your own strength.
You are, however, meant to bring your weaknesses to the feet of Jesus where He can use them to shine His glory and power through you.

You are a mighty Warrior Mom.
So take your mighty warrior stance; get on your knees, fold your hands in prayer, lift your face to the sky, or bow your head in silence.
However you do prayer, just make sure you do it.
And do it often.

IMPORTANT: After purchase you will have immediate access to your download. For best results please have a printer available upon download. You will also receive an email receipt from Kaylene Yoder. You will have three(3) download attempts for this product, expiring in 60days.
I am such a big believer in praying God’s Word over my loved ones. Thank you for this resource!
Thank you for creating and sharing these beautiful cards. I printed them off and put them in my Bible. It’s a great privilege to pray for our children.
Yes, it is. A powerful influence we mustn’t overlook!