What is your approach to your time spent with the Lord?
Maybe you have a routine, a certain chair, a specific flavor of coffee that you enjoy. But what about how you feel about the whole reason you spend time with the Lord?
Do you do it to cross something off you list? Or is there true adoration and love for your Creator involved?
I know how it is to spend time with the Lord out of obligation. I read hurriedly, not digging very deep, most times forgetting what I read as soon as I closed the Bible. << (confession of many Christians)
I obeyed, but I didn’t worship. There’s a huge difference.
Obedience isn’t always worship. But worship always inspires obedience.
These two posts really stood out to me this week:
Kelsey Fergusons post “Why do You Have Quiet Time? Obligation or Love?” touches on this subject from a young mom’s perspective. Sometimes it’s hard to schedule a daily time with God when you have small children. Worship isn’t about strict rules. We can still adore Him as we change a diaper.
Then Karen Brown’s post “The Great Pedagogy” is a fiery reminder that our greatest act of worship is to remain teachable. God doesn’t need us to be the next greatest truth sayer- He could make rocks do that if He wanted. God wants us to simple come to Him to be taught. To worship Him.
Kelsey and Karen, thank you for spreading great truth’s for Him! Please grab the featured button and put it at the bottom of your post. A text link back will do, as well. Again, thank you for sharing at Grace & Truth!

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Now for an opportunity for Christian Bloggers!
Have you heard of Christian Bloggers Bootcamp? If you’ve been around here in the last 6-8 weeks, I’m sure you’ve noticed a lot of changes to my blog.
Well, now you can read where I was getting my advice & instruction, how it has impacted my blogging mission, and few analytics. (Be gracious- I’m no power blogger. It was intimidating to post the screen shot of my growth. But stats don’t lie!)
I would not offer it here, if I did not believe you would benefit from Christian Bloggers Bootcamp. Impacting others for Christ is your goal and mine. There really is a way to learn how to do that without compromising your integrity or your wallet.
I’d love to answer any questions you have about this course. Click the image!
Grace & Truth exists to point people to Jesus! We hope this link-up will be a source of encouragement each and every week. If you’re a blogger our hope is that you’ll use this space as a way to meet new friends within the Christian blogging community. If you’re a reader our hope is that you’ll meet new bloggers that love Jesus just as much as you do! Most of all, we hope you’ll meet Jesus here.
Satisfaction Through Christ
Kaylene Yoder
The Brown Tribe
Arabah Joy
A Divine Encounter
Being Confident of This
Busy Being Blessed
Sharing Redemption’s Stories
1.) Follow your hosts via their blog and/or social media channels. This is not mandatory, but appreciated!
2.) Leave 1-2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. Please do not link DIY, Crafts, Recipes, etc. Links of this kind will be deleted. We also reserve the right to delete posts that don’t align with the theme or that are deemed by the hostesses to be inappropriate.
3.) Visit 1-2 other links and leave a meaningful comment! We want to encourage community, so please don’t link and run!
4.) All links are randomly sorted – feel free to link as early or as late as you’d like. The playing field is even!
In order to be featured next week:
5.) Grab a button or link back to encourage new linkers. This is not mandatory to participate, but is required to be featured.
6.) Each host will choose one link to feature and promote via their social media channels next week.
7.) By linking up you agree to allow the hosts to use your featured post image if you are chosen as a feature for next week.
Grab A Button
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And before you go…my testimony of Christian Bloggers Bootcamp. And a PROMO CODE: KLY10 for 10% OFF! I’d love to have you join me! Click the image to find out more!
Join the link-up below!
Thank you for featuring my post! I also appreciate your words on devotional time. I’ve been guilty of obeying instead of worshipping. We must remember to open ourselves in order to receive what He has for us. Thanks- and Happy Friday!
I have learned that in order to come to this time of pressing in and praying that my quiet time becomes, I have to start with worship. I am eager to read the offerings you featured here, Kaylene. Thanks for leading us into the deeper waters together.
Worship is powerful. Coming before Him joyful just to meet with Him again, is beautiful childlike faith. I really like today’s featured posts. Kelsey’s encouraged me. Karen’s challenged me. I need both! 🙂
Thanks for featuring my post, Kaylene! The “young mom’s perspective” made me smile. My little brother had just gotten done telling me how I don’t understand high schoolers because I’m old right before I read it. 🙂 Kids these days! 😉 Thanks for hosting, friend!
LOL! How funny! Thanks for the laugh!
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