3 Ways to be a Godly Mentor

I love sitting down and chatting with older women – in fact most of my friends are ten years my senior. I think I just got married and had babies young. Sometimes I don’t even know what it is I need to talk about until we start. I just need them to be there for me, and share their wisdom with me, but in our busy lives, this is something we often have to consciously make room for.

Titus 2:4 (NLV) reminds us that “Older women are to teach the young women to love their husbands and children.”

I’ve been blessed to have some truly Godly mentors in my life and now God is leading me into how to mentor others around me, and I’d like to share 3 practical ways you can mentor others around you, whatever your age.

3 Ways You can Be a Godly Mentor Wherever You Are

Ordinary Family . . . Extraordinary Mentor

When I was 17, I was asked to come and work for and live with 2 families with 6 children each under the age of 12 who lived on the same property. I lived with them 4-5 days a fortnight, and I learned so much. The Mums thought they were the ones getting the blessing of help with their housework, and yes they were, but I was also the one being poured into, having questions answered that I didn’t even know existed just by watching and chatting.

I grew up in a great Christian family but there is so much you can learn from others. In the season where I was at, it really helped me to hear their courtship stories and how to honour my parents.

You may feel you are an ordinary family, but you have the potential to be an extraordinary mentor. The way you cook, you budget, even how you do your makeup may be a skill that a young woman is desperately struggling with.

Is there something your husband could do with a teen boy from church? In one season of our lives, my husband regularly took a young boy aside and taught him carpentry, welding and even took him on a hunting trip.

Blogging and Facebook Live

It’s becoming easier and easier these days to share our testimony. If you’re a writer, maybe blogging is a great way to become a mentor, because you have a unique story and testimony that can immensely help people.

If you’re not a writer, maybe you could try a live video on Facebook, sharing something God’s shown you for the week? I tried this recently and was so surprised at who actually watched and commented. Although I wouldn’t have really imagined myself doing this, it’s really helping me share Jesus with unsaved family and friends; conversations I may not normally have with them in person.


Having young children can be utterly exhausting and mostly where mums of littlies congregate is playgroups, even if it’s for the sake of the kids making a mess anywhere other than the house they’ve just cleaned.

One of the best playgroups I’ve ever attended was run by a Mum who always asked us a challenging question and provided a space to really share our struggles and have prayer on the spot if we wanted it.

It was so beautiful to see us all growing in praying aloud for one another. I loved it and I was so sad when she stopped for a season, and by the time it had started again, we’d left town.

Sometimes, dear friend, we don’t need a platform or a stage, we just need to kneel down close and incline our ear towards God and speak what He says.

Your friendship is worth more than you know, whether that’s running a mother’s group or one on one cups of tea. God said to me, and I’m saying to you . . .”this mother didn’t impact your life because she was on a stage, but because she knelt down close, and now it’s your turn.”

Are there are some other ways that you’ve been mentored or been able to mentor others?

Lizzy Ainsworth
Lizzy Ainsworth is a wife and mother to two little girls in QLD Australia. Her days usually include a lot of glue, sticky tape and glitter, plus a tea party or two with the teddy bears. When all is finally quiet she loves to read and write and spend time talking to God. She writes at www.lizzyainsworthbooks.com – Resources to Nourish the Spirit, Soul and Body

 Copyright: limonzest / 123RF Stock Photo

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    • Lizzy says:

      You’re welcome. I know there are such wise older women around me, and sometimes I still struggle to think of good questions to ask, but I always want to be learning and growing.

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