We make a lot of choices throughout our days. Today let’s pray that God will dictate all our husbands’ choices guiding our husbands’ lives as He does a stream.

“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord;
He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases.”
~Proverbs 21:1~
A Prayer for Your Husband to Make Good Choices
Father, once again I praise You that You have given my husband a sound mind. (1Pet.1:13) One that is capable of making wise choices based on Your word. You have said “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life so that you and your children may live, and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to Him and hold fast to Him.” (Deut.30:19-20)
Father, I know You will move my husband’s heart to choose life and blessing every single day. I know You will move his heart to choose Your instruction, knowledge and wisdom instead of earthly riches and selfish gain. (Pr.8:10)
Help him see plainly the way you would have him lead his family and live his life, so that he can choose wisely in all the things he does. Help him rise above present circumstances and see with an eternal perspective, so he can make choices based on Your will.

When he makes a choice not glorifying to You, nudge his conscience to repentance. May he not be so proud that he will not listen to advice, but may he accept sound counsel and instruction so that in the end he will be wise. (Pr.19:20) All a man’s ways seem right to him, but, You Lord, weigh the heart. (Pr.21:2) Show my husband where he is trusting too much in his own ability to make choices and then clearly confirm choices You want him to make.
Lord, I pray you will protect him from unhealthy pressures and expectancies of this world, that will drive him to make choices that will ruin first his mind, body and soul and then his marriage and family. Direct his heart to choose to say “no”, to unhealthy relationships, harmful business deals and selfish desires. Give him the courage to make choices in wisdom so he may be kept safe.(P.28:26) May he boldly rise up and say, “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Josh.24:15) In Jesus precious name. Amen.
“Listen to advice and accept instruction
and in the end you will be wise.
Many are the plans in a man’s heart,
but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
~Proverbs 19:20-21~
Get Kaylene’s devotional book for wives A Wife’s 40-day Fasting & Prayer Journal – A Guide to Strategic Prayer.
Beautiful prayer. Thank you.
Lovely prayer and couldn't have come at a better time! Thank you. 🙂
So wonderful!!! I love the words you chose and the bible verses with it!!! God bless you and thanks so much!!!
You’ve written such a beautiful, scripture-filled prayer here, Kaylene! I’m sharing it around, thanks!
Jen 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful prayer, Kaylene. We should be praying this for our husbands each and every day.
Blessings to you and yours.
There are nooo words of how grateful I am for you writing these 40 prayers…they are beautiful & perfect in sooooo many ways to my situation!!!! Thank u again soo much..I read some of them every single day! Thank u for your wisdom thru the Lord! 🙂
Thank you for being here, Mindy! And thank you for your dedication to praying for your marriage. What a legacy you are living! ❤
Well it shows my last comment didn’t post but thaaaaaank u for these 40 prayers..they are perfect for my situation and I speak a couple of these every single day! I lovvve them..
My pleasure, Mindy! I’m so glad you find these prayers helpful and transformative. God bless! ❤
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