A Prayer for Your Husband’s Fatherhood
Father in heaven, You are the perfect Father. Thank You for a beautiful picture of what fatherhood looks like; not harsh or demanding, yet commanding respect and expecting obedience. Help him not be irrational and in that way exasperate Your children. Give my husband Your heart toward his children. Make him a man who communicates unconditional love to his children. May they always know their father loves them and does all he does for their good.
Help him be patient with them. Show him Your grace so he can extend grace to his offspring. When he gets impatient, help him rise above the immediate circumstances speaking and acting in ways he will not regret. Help him speak with calmness and authority, not displaying anger to them, lest they doubt his love for them.
Father, show him where he can cultivate a relationship with each child. I pray he will not be cold, harsh, uninterested, undependable, or neglectful. May he never provoke his children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of You, Lord. (Eph. 6:4) Where he feels inadequate to teach them Your ways, give him words to speak. Help him communicate those words to them. Knowing their father loves You, the Almighty Father, will have great impact on their lives. Give my husband a heart pliable to Your will so he can lead his children and family in Your will. Help him train up his children in the way they should go, so that when they are old they will not depart from You. (Pr.22:6)

Father, we know You discipline those You love. (Pr.3:12) You do it with great love, mercy and to further growth in us. When disciplining his children is in order, help my husband do it calmly, justly and lovingly, never in anger or irritation. Help him be a fair judge, not dealing with them in haste or with harsh words. Give them full reconciliation afterwards, letting the child know of his unconditional love.
Being a good father is something he strives to be everyday. Again I pray You will give him Your heart toward his children; soft, gentle, dependable, patient and communicative. Help him see the world as his children do, and so, extend grace and understanding. Let him not grow slack or uninterested in their lives. Help him be present physically and emotionally. May his children never doubt his love for them.
Father, I pray You will teach him, guide him, and direct his paths in this role of fatherhood. May it be one of great fulfillment to him, and when he is old and gray he can rest, knowing he did as You directed, leaving a rich spiritual inheritance for his children. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
Inspiring! Thank you for posting!
Kaylene, I thank God for his use of you as one of his guides for us and to reignite hope in the hearts of women. You have encouraged and strengthened many, thank you for allowing God to use you for his purposes.
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