I saw very early in the day, that I simply would not reach around all the things on my to-do list.
I had 2 choices:
1. Freak out.
2. Rest it out.

I wanted to freak out.
One voice was screaming, “You’re not measuring up! You can’t do anything right. You don’t have what it takes.”
But another voice whispered, “It is okay. You are loved. Rest it out, don’t fret about. Your worth is found in more than what you do.”
I chose to listen to the voice that whispered.
Friend, it was SO hard to take the anxiety and self destructive thoughts captive.
But it was SO empowering to let myself fall short of my own expectations.
I learned a valuable lesson in resting in the Lord.
And this morning I had to learn it again.

As with every morning, I felt the intense need to fill out a to-do list.
Once again, I battled the anxious weight of not getting it all done.
I wasn’t just starting a to-do list – I was adding on to a running to-do list, coupled with the regret for that one hour I dared take a nap a few days ago.
‘I totally could’ve gotten the windows washed during that time. Shame on me,’ shouted the internal voice.
Fraud! Fake! Not good enough… all of it.
It can be so hard to think under all the pressure to get things done, look good while doing it, speak gently, listen deeply, love perfectly… all the things.
My DIY nature takes over and I’m convinced my little world won’t survive it I don’t hold it all together.

DIY: Done In Yaweh
I hustle and scramble at breakneck speeds,
While Jesus simply whispers, “Come to Me.”
My heart falls for the “prove it” kind of life,
When the Jesus invites “just be in the vine.”
My ears become muffled, my eyes can’t see
That all the while, He’s given me daily victory.
The burdens, regrets, the sorrows and loss,
All that I’m not was covered at the Cross.
His nail scarred hands reach my way,
And He gently says, “she’s complete; Done In Yaweh”.
Un-abbreviated, victorious, beautiful and whole.
My only to-do is to receive it in full.

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This is EXACTLY what I needed to be reminded of, at this exact moment. I have become aware of my desire for perfection, and when I fall short, I become very anxious and weary. I must learn to abide in Jesus’ perfect presence. Lord, help me. Let me understand Your perfect grace. Thank you, Kaylene
I hear you, sister! Perfection is not our friend! Ugh!
Praying for you as I pray for myself. 💗
I too, need this! I can’t explain just how, because of privacy for my family, but I needed this reminder. Especially “My ears become muffled, my eyes can’t see that He’s given me daily victory.”
Thank you.
What an honor that the Lord would minister to you through these written offerings. All glory to Him! Praying He will continue growing you in His love.
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