Sometimes in life we meet these rough patches and strength seem to fail us, you know?
The times when your life looks very little like you imagined, nothing like you planned, and very little like it could ever be enjoyed again. Yeah. Those times.

Maybe it’s a child who has decided to turn away from everything you’ve taught them and prayed for them.
Maybe it’s your health or the well being of a loved one.
Possibly you’re having a financial struggle. Or maybe it’s money manifesting it’s negative powers in your family.
Maybe your marriage is under fire, yet again.
Or those past hurts, they just keep resurfacing.
I don’t know what your struggle is today, my friend, but I do know one thing – as lovers of the Lord you and I have direct access to His healing and hope giving power.
When we are walking through things like rejection, rebellion, suffering, harsh temptations or any manner of situations that disrupt our focus from the Lord, it is easy to lose hope.
So where do we turn to gather the strength we need to get through our weaker times?

I believe 2 Chronicles 16:9 gives us a bit of wisdom. His Word says here,
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
As His daughters, I assume you and I are some of those “whose heart is loyal to Him”. Even if we have a mustard-seed sized faith regarding the situation we are in, the Father is scanning the earth looking for those of us who are willing to rely on that little nubbin of faith.
And you know what He promises to do for you and I and those found loyal to Him?
According to the verse above He will “Show himself strong.”
(His words, not mine. A lasting promise, not just some words on a screen.)

He promises to be enough in my weakness.
When I don’t understand, He becomes my peace.
He overrides my fleshly desires to lash out and spew anger on those who have hurt me, and He becomes my calming breeze, and cooling salve.
When I feel overrun by sorrow, grief, frustration, and other stifling emotions, He is my power to overcome.
When I am not enough – because we all know we aren’t. And when those phrases of “you are enough” just turn out to be not enough – God proves Himself to be our Enough.
He becomes our strength to serve just one more time.
He proves Himself strong enough to help you and I show honor and respect to our husband when we just don’t feel like it anymore.
Our Heavenly Father shows Himself gracious as He helps us take that one more step in love as we parent that child.
When our weakness excels, God’s strength prevails.

Galatians 5:25 (Amplified) reads,
“let us go forward walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.”
I find the term “walking in line” interesting. It brings to mind a visual of marching ahead, eyes on the prize, ever pressing forward toward our Goal; Jesus.
So this week, my friend, let’s march.
Let’s keep our eyes glued on Christ, peeled wide open for a glimpse of His glory, averted from anything that could lead us wrong.
May we be attracted to His beauty in such a way that as He scans this earth, looking to and fro for a loyal heart, He will see you and me relentlessly turning toward Him in prayer and through His Word.
And because of our devotion may He manifest His power our lives; may he show Himself strong on our behalf.
Because this week, my friend, I’m simply not strong enough to go it alone.
I’d rather be scanned, found loyal in my weakness, and be given strength from the Divine.
The timing of this post was perfect. I’ve had one of those weeks. Feeling like a failure of a mom. Dealing with a teenage son and his anxiety issues. Wondering if I’m going to make it to the end. Thank you. I drank every word.
I too have been battling serious Spiritual Warfare between my husband and marriage, my 17yr old’s anxiety and all that entails the circle of life… so yes, I am thankful for your words… God’s timing is impeccable… Thank you for being his messenger to me… God Bless!
It is my pleasure to share with you, Faith. I am praying for you to find peace and strength in all you are going through right now. May your steadfastness in the Lord bring refreshment and encouragement to your household.
Perfect timing. God is faithful! I spent all day Saturday focusing on my children’s sins feeling like a failure as a mom as everything. Feeling rejected and not loved by anyone. So alone. So nothing. I don’t have the strength to go on, but I am going to believe your words and His words. Thank you and be blessed.
Ah, sweet friend, we all have those days. I am so glad the Father reached your heart through these words. Praying for you to continue pulling strength for your motherhood from His promises.
Thank you so much for this! This truly is what I needed especially with the trials that life is putting me through. Each day has been more of a challange, but after reading this, I feel the extra strength to continue. Thank you so very much Kaylene! You truly are a blessing! ?
It’s a pleasure to share with you and serve our Heavenly Father alongside you, Marci. ?
Wow, I needed this powerful post today. I see that it’s been in circulation for a while, but this is my first time seeing it on May 7th, 2019. And boy was it needed. It really encouraged my heart and soul. I needed every single word that was spoken on this post. I thank you. And i’m praying for you Mrs. Kaylene.
I’m so glad you were blessed by this written offering at just the right time. God is good!
Thank you for your prayer support! 💗
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