With the publication of four Scripture-based prayer, sometimes I get questions about why we should pray Scripture based prayers?
What does it add to our prayers?

As I thought and prayed over this question, I found a number of reasons why I pray Scripture…
1. Praying Scripture places our focus squarely on our Heavenly Father and His promises. When we swap our list of requests for the reminders of what He has done, will do, and promises to do for us… well, my friend, the enemy has no more power over us.
Re-centering in the Lord by speaking His Word out loud will break through the wall of fear, frustrations, and overwhelm faster than any amount of eloquent words we may come up with.
2. In praying Scripture we know we are praying truth. Occasionally I don’t know how to pray, or I have no words. However, speaking & praying Scripture over our situations helps us know that we are praying rightly even when there is little else we know what to say.
3. Praying Scripture grows our trust in the Lord. When we speak what is in God’s written word, we know He backs our prayers and petitions. He will not change like the shifting shadows, so when we pray a promise from His Word, we have the assurance that He hears us and will answer according to His Word.
4. Praying Scripture grows our love for the Lord. As we learn to lay claim to His Word with power and authority, we begin to love the Author of those words more and more.
5. Praying Scripture effectively evicts the enemy from your life and situations. When we speak the living Word of God, which is the two-edged sword of the Spirit, the enemy must flee. Praying God’s own words over our lives, homes, family and loved ones, will draw boundaries in the spiritual war zones that the enemy dares not cross.

Friend, we have way more power than we know. When we pray in Jesus’ name the enemy must flee. But when we add the Word of God to those prayers… well, my friend, I like to think I am giving the enemy a taste of the eternal hot stop he is destined for.
When we are praying the power and blessing of God’s Word over our children and loved ones, we are also praying the fear of hell onto Satan and his wicked ones. The Word of God is double-edged. Hallelujah.
So, those are a few reasons why I believe praying Scripture is so powerful.
Now it’s your turn… why do you pray Scripture?
Or, tell me which of the five reasons above gives you an extra push to start praying Scripture more intentionally. I’d love too hear from you!
P.S. Look for these Scripture-based Prayer books on Amazon!
Pray 7 Sample Prayers!
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Hi Kaylene, I just came across this post and it’s exactly what I need. Being a rededicated Christian in the last year, I sometimes find myself babbling. I will start trying your suggestion. God Bless
Ah, sweet friend! Keep up the ‘babbling’. God never tires of hearing from us. The best way to learn how to pray and build communication with God is to keep doing it! Add Scripture as you learn and grow. Many blessings to you, dear sister in Christ!
Hi kaylens
I’m too am searching to allow God to work they me n I so desire that I will hve a greater hunger for His word . Yes your reason , you wrote to pray scriptures are true, just need to b more devoted to scripture prayer . We need greater things done for Christ
I need prayer so desperately for my son. He has done drugs for 22 years. He wants to turn his life over to Christ and quite! I have stood in the gap for him and now I turned him over to God. I can’t help but believe God has a purpose for him . But I don’t know what that is. Please stand in agreement with me he will be delivered.
Praying fervently for the release & restoration of your son, in Jesus’ name!
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