Many women ask, “Am I praying in a way that God will answer me?”
Often I don’t know how to answer that question. I know He hears. I know He answers. However, as I have shared before, there are times prayer can be hindered by our choices and attitudes.
Let’s go to the Word and consider a few prayers that are sure to reach Gods heart. He has answered each one of these for me. May He answer even more for you.

5 Prayers God Answers
1. Thy will be done.
We all know this. We pray it. We say it. We raise our hands as we sing it. But we don’t always trust Him that His will is something we want.
Jesus teaches us to pray this in Matthew 6:10, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”. Jesus not only payed this, but He taught us how to live this attitude of “Thy will be done”. It holds the picture of a surrendered heart, tender for the will of its Heavenly Father.
“Thy will be done” is not just an option we have when life becomes too much. “Thy will be done” should become our lifestyle – a 1 Thessalonians 5:17 existence.
2. Forgive me, Lord.
Never does God turn away from a heart that is seeking His forgiveness. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness when we ask Him to (1 John 1:9).
As we continue repenting of things He reveals to us, the more blameless we will become in His sight and be able to grow in an intimate relationship with Him.
“No good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless” (Psalm 84:11). Keep in mind He is growing you blameless with each repentance and surrendered piece of your heart.

3. Teach me more of You, Lord.
When we ask Him to teach us more of Him, our Heavenly Father sees a heart drawing near to Him. He will surely answer and let Himself be known to us.
When we humble ourselves before the Lord, He will lift us up (James 4:10).
When we seek Him with all our hearts, He promises to let Himself be found (Jeremiah 29:12-13). Let’s turn to Him so we may learn from Him, our gentle and humble Teacher.

4. Lead me in Your way, Lord.
We are reminded in Scripture that God’s way is perfect. (2 Samuel 22:31; Psalm 18:30; Psalm 19:7)
Why would we not want to pray for His perfection to work in our lives? Even though there are imperfect ways in us, when we desire to be lead in the way of the Lord, He will see to it that we are brought to Him.
Ask Him to search you and know your heart. Ask Him to see you and hear your thoughts, testing you to see if there is any purging needed in you. And ask Him to lead you in His way everlasting; His better way, His perfect way. (see Psalm 139:23-24)
He will lead the one who wants to be led. Whether gently or abruptly, He will always guide us in ways that are best for us.

5. Remain faithful to me, Lord.
This heart cry reveals our desire to ever be kept in His presence and will. Psalm 18:25 says of our God, “To the faithful You show Yourself faithful”. He is our shield, strength, refuge, deliverer, Savior from all this world bombards us with.
He is scanning the whole earth, looking for hearts that are loyal to Him. When He finds those hearts, He shows Himself strong and faithful to them. (see 2 Chronicles 16:9) Seek Him above all else. Let your candle burn bright for Him, and let Him find you faithful.
Psalm 138 holds a beautiful outline for how the Lord remains faithful to us. It simply reminds us that when we praise Him with all our heart, unashamed to call Him our God, faithful to Him in all we do, then He will answer us when we call upon Him.

Though we walk through trouble, He will preserve our life. He will stretch out His hand and save us. He will make us bold. And He will vindicate us, fulfilling His purpose for us because of His great love for us.
He will not abandon the works of His hands. He will not turn a deaf ear to our cries. Nor is He so far away that He cannot see us, hear us, or relieve us of our heartbreaks.
He only asks that we seek Him and love Him with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.
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