Abigail is one of my favorite women of the Bible. She’s the one I would love to pluck out of Scripture and have a coffee date with. (wink)
Eve, however, I haven’t appreciated very much.
My attitude toward her hasn’t been very gracious. Mostly due to the fact that throughout my life men have used Eve’s fruit eating spree as a way to “set a woman in her place”.
…uh-hem. That’s as far as I’ll go with that…

As I embarked on a journey to get to know more of the women of the Bible, I figured I would read about Eve first and just get her out of the way.
I read her story in the first few chapters of Genesis, and as the third chapter was coming to a close, I was mentally preparing to check her off my list.
Done. Over. Good-bye, my fruit loving friend.
Then God caught my attention in Genesis 3:21- “The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.”
He said, “Read it again.”
Okay. So You sacrificed an animal and made clothes for the rebellious people.
“Read it again.”
Okay… so it was probably one of Your most prized animals, which is meant to represent how You sent Your Beloved Son to die for us so that we may choose eternal life.
“Read it again.”
Seriously God? What more is there to learn here? You clothed naked people. Nobody does entire sermons or Bible studies on how You did this.
“All Scripture is God breathed and good for teaching and correcting.”
…. I read the verse again.

And I finally saw what God wanted to reveal. Picking the verse apart a bit, I hope you find a treasure in it, too.
Becoming Clothed in God’s Mercy
“The Lord God made garments” – this action of designing the first couples garments represents how God designs for us robes in His name.
However, we get all splotched up by sin. We eat a little bad fruit. Our lives bear a little bit more bad fruit. We taste the bitter and sour consequences.
Still, in perfect mercy God offers us a spotless and new garment in Christ.
When we turn to Him and humbly ask for His forgiveness, the garments He offers are ours to wear.
However, He doesn’t just hand them to us and expect us to know how to put them on.
No. The second part of Genesis 3:21 says the Lord God “clothed them”.

Imagine what this must have looked like: two people full of sorrow, regret, and anxiety for their future. And God in all His grace, mercy, love, and righteousness, not only handing them the clothes, but actually holding the garments open for each individual to step into.
Maybe He reached for their hand to help them place their arms in the right place, just as a parent clothes a child.
I imagine God closed up the garment, tying the sash ever so gently, smoothing or tugging out any crooked spots before He sent them out into the world, just as a parent sends their child out the door to school.

In the way God clothed Adam and Eve, God still clothes us in Him today.
He is holding out the garments of peace, love, mercy, grace, favor, and blessing, opening them up so we may step into all He has for us. He desires that we reflect His beauty and that we wear the righteousness embodied in Himself.
Our Heavenly Father asks only that we accept the Sacrifice He made to make His garments available – the Lamb offered on the cross, His perfect and spotless Son, Jesus.
Lord, I desire Your garments to become my wardrobe. I desire to step into all You promise through Your Son. Thank You for the Sacrifice You made on my behalf. I lay my regrets, fears, and sin at Your feet. Wash from me the stains of this world and clothe me anew in Your robes of life and love. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
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