There was a time when fear and anxiety gripped my heart and made me almost immobile.
I spent many nights in a panicked fear, at times sitting bolt upright in bed gasping for breath.
Life was cold and hard, suicidal thoughts crept in and I felt alone and completely powerless against my fears.
I knew there was joy out there somewhere. I knew there was peace, if only I could reach it. My heart longed for comfort and freedom. My soul desperate for hope.

Today I have been set free of anxiety and destructive thoughts. Through the constant meditation on God’s word, relentlessly returning to His feet, His indestructible peace now reigns in my heart and mind, guarding them just as He promises in Philippians 4:7.
This peace brings comfort and hope. It is something that exceeds our understanding because it is not obtainable in and of ourselves. This peace can only be found through Christ. It draws us in and like a drug makes our hearts an addict for it.
His peace provides the patience we ask for, the wisdom we long for, the comfort in the pain, strength for the trials, and the nurturing we crave.
And every time His peace proves enough, we become more and more addicted to it. Beautiful and indescribable things start happening in your hearts and minds when we repeatedly and relentless return to Him for another dose of His heart.
Today, I urge you to become an addict- an addict for peace.
Finding Peace ~ Ways to Combat Anxiety using Philippians 4:4-7
- “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again. Rejoice!” (v.4)
Rejoicing is not about being happy or making ourselves fake it till we make it. There are times we just can’t be happy.
Happiness is topical.
Rejoicing in the Lord is about recognizing who God is, appreciating His abilities to pull us through the most difficult times and delighting ourselves in the fact that He does what He says He will do.
He says He is always with us. He says He will comfort us. He promises to guide us and protect us.
Our duty is to trust Him for His promises. Our joy will be found in direct proportions to the amount of trust we place in His promises.
The Psalmist found the promised comfort in the Lord and that gave him reason to rejoice. It gave him reason to delight in the fact that God is loyal and faithful. He does not leave us fatherless.
We should not think the worst of God. He will always sustain us. There is enough in God to satisfy our every need. He is plentitude.
When we recognize and delight in that truth, we bring ourselves to a continual feast in the Lord.
- “Let your gentleness be known to all. The Lord is near.” (v.5)
In a world where vindicating ourselves is common practice, God’s word encourages us to be gentle, humble and patient towards all people.
When we live a life that is irreproachable even to our enemies, we have nothing to be ashamed of. Our hearts and minds can rest in confidence of a clear conscience before the Lord.
When we seek to live a pure, humble life, the only accusations the enemy can make against us are the one Jesus’ blood has already covered. We do not have to be fretted about what he or anyone else may think or say against us.
The Lord is near. His nearness assures us that when we face tough situations we don’t need to be self defensive. We can rest in the fact that the Lord is with us and He will fight for us. (Ex.14:14) He has promised to avenge His faithful ones.
[bctt tweet=”We can rest in the fact that the Lord is with us and He will fight for us. (Ex.14:14)”]
- “Do not be anxious about anything” (v.6)
There is a certain amount of concern and forethought that we need in order to make our lives and efforts effective. But, being concerned about things to the point that it distracts our focus on the Lord, is sin.
We must be aware of how much we dwell on lifes difficult circumstances. Allowing the care of the world to take precedence over our trust in the Lord will not bring about the peace our hearts and minds crave.
Keep in mind that your most difficult situations do not compromise the sovereignty of God.

- “in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (v.6)
When we pray, God wants us to ask for things. He has given us the invitation and privilege of coming to Him with everything little thing. We should also show that we are thankful for what He has already done.
When we stand before Him waving our thanks, our receipts of His mercy, we petition His heart for our case. It gives Him joy to bless us further.
While He knows our needs and desires better than we can tell Him, He desires for us to acknowledge that we need and trust Him.
Making ourselves vulnerable for His love doesn’t mean He will always answer the way we want. But, it does mean that God will show up. He will give the promised peace.
He is, after all, the supplier of the rest you crave.
[bctt tweet=”I am an addict of God’s peace. He supplies my every need.”]
When we (1) celebrate Him for who he is, (2) live gentle and irreproachable lives, (3) keep our hearts and minds stayed on the Lord and (4) petition Him by acknowledging our dependency on Him, we are promised this:
“And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7
Today I urge you to let go of your fears. Put your complete healing in the hands of the Lord.
Recklessly crave Him.
Become an addict for His peace.
Loved this, Kaylene! Overcoming an anxious heart is something I struggle with on a daily basis. Your words are filled with the truth God has shown me over and over again in this season of life. I long for the day I can say His truth has set me free. 🙂 I know it will. I just need to keep returning to His feet and continue to say no to the enemies lies. It’s so easy to talk the talk – but living it out is not always quite as simple. Although it actually IS if we just choose faith over fear. 😀
Love this, and I so needed to hear it. Thanks so much for sharing it 🙂
What a beautiful message, Kaylene! I’ve jotted down a number of quotes from this post in my journal this morning…to help me remember and to share with others. May God bless you today!
I have been praying for what the Lord would have me share at our ladies retreat.This is it! Thank you sharing and giving to us from the Father’s hand.
My pleasure, Louanne. Praying the ladies you share with will be encouraged and blessed by what the Lord lays on your heart.
I can’t begin to tell you how much your blog’s have made an impact on my life. I am going through the most difficult season in my life. I’m walking through an actual nightmare of mine. I’d never thought God would allow my life to take this turn. I struggle daily, rather momently with anxiety and fear. I wrestle with the feeling that God is far in my situation even tho I know he promises to be near to the brokenhearted. I forget that allowing my anxiety to get the best of me is actually a sin. I forget that God is sovereign and nothing but good intended for those of us who love him. Please pray for me. Your devotions and blog’s have been such an encouragement and a blessing and I just want to thank you.
Candy, I am so sorry for the heartbreak you are currently facing. I pray you would feel God’s mighty and comforting hand surround you today. That He would hem you in behind and before. place His hand over you and make His peace the foundation you stand upon. Through Him we can face all things with the assurance of better tomorrows. Praying for you, sweet friend!
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