A few years ago I hopped on the pick-a-word-for-the-year train.
I thought it was a little silly at first, but I wanted to do what the cool kids were doing ?, so I decided to give it a shot.

I had a hard time choosing a word that first year.
It needed to be just the ‘right’ word, I thought. What if I chose the wrong word and I would have a horrible year or didn’t learn what God wanted me to learn?
uhem… I don’t think there is ever a right or wrong word to pick. (unless it’s a cuss word, then you might want to reconsider! ?)
I tend to agree with one of my friends who said, “Picking a word doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t have to be super spiritual.”
Sometimes we complicate things when we want to have things ‘just right’.

Three ways to Pick a Word for the Year
1. Choose a word or topic you want to learn more about.
The first year I chose a word I didn’t know where to begin.
I’m a word-lover so I wanted all the words. Things got narrowed down when I asked myself, “What is one thing I struggle with?”
That overarching topic for me was trust.
So my first year I chose the word trust.
Then I began digging into what trust meant for me:
- Spiritually – I asked myself things like, “Do I trust God?” “Are His Words and His ways trustworthy to me?” “What can I do today that will declare I trust Him?”
- In relationships – I began to process how trust fits into (1) a damaged relationship, (2) how to build trust in my marriage, (3) how to open myself to others instead of holding back in a self protective stance.
If you are stumped about picking a word or topic, choose something you know you struggle with or something you want to claim throughout the next twelve months.

2. Pray.
Of course I’m going to recommend that! ?
I generally just start talking with the Lord about the possibility of having a word for the year.
Sometimes a word or topic comes within the first sixty seconds. It settles deep in my heart, my spirit nods and I know God has given me a treasure.
Other times I’m completely stumped. So I move on to number 3.
3. Brain dump words.
A brain dump or a mind map can be helpful in organizing thoughts and receiving clarification. So here is a simple step-by-step process for when you really want a word, but nothing is coming.
- Things you’ll need – (1) a pen, (2) a paper, (3) 5-10 minutes, (4) a heart ready to hear from the Lord.
- Pray specifically for words or topics to be given to you. Here’s a prayer to get you started – “Lord, speak to me about what You want to teach me this year. Clear my mind and heart so I may hear from You. Draw me close and open my capacity to see where you want me to grow or an area You want me to focus on this year. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
- Then start jotting down any and all words that come to mind. Even the ones you don’t like and or the topics that make you uncomfortable.
- Sometimes I know my intended word when I see it. Other times a few words from my brain dump catch my eye, so I circle them and tuck the paper in my pocket.
- Throughout the day, or the next few days, I look for little things that could be hints or a guidance from the Lord in choosing a word.

How to know You’ve Picked the ‘right’ Word
My favorite way to describe how to know I’ve come across the right word for my year, is when two things happen –
(1) It settles deep in my heart, and
(2) my spirit gives a little nod.
Then I know God has given me a treasure.
As I mentioned before, this doesn’t have to be super complicated. If you find yourself stressing out about the whole thing, don’t force it!
Please keep in mind, having a word for the year is not Scriptural-ly supported, however it can be great tool for deep and personal spiritual growth.
Also remember, there are times the Lord let’s us choose things for ourselves and He blesses the choice we make. So if you’re not sure, just pick a word and trust God to bless it and minister to you in that area.
Do you have a word for this year? Drop it in the comments!
I’d love to hear it and then pray over you in that area. ???
I have also picked a word of the year for the last two years. This year I couldn’t decide on just one so I picked two! Grace and joy! Both of those words just spoke to me! Looking forward to exploring both of those words this year and applying them to my life! Happy New Year!
What beautiful words, Jennifer! It is completely okay to have two words in in one year. You will be ministered to in beautiful ways through GRACE and JOY.
I pray the Lord will show you in greater ways how His grace truly is sufficient for you, supplying you new strength and abundant joy. May the joy you experience in His presence settle your heart and mind, helping you focus on His great love and provision for you. May the grace He showers upon you move you forward in strength, peace and confidence. In Jesus’ name!
My ‘word’ for 2019…. insight
Candy, INSIGHT is a beautiful word!
Lord, give Candy great INSIGHT into the plans You have for her. Help her know Your guidance and trust the ways You would have her go. Teach her the wisdom that comes from heaven. (James 3:17) In Jesus’ name, Amen!
My 3 words for 2019 are heartbreak, acceptance and restoration
My word for the year is purpose, this is such an awesome idea!! I cant wait to see what Gods purpose is for my life and what He will teach me in 2019. Thank you so much for this blog post
Lisa, your word, PURPOSE, is beautiful!
I pray you will come to know in greater measures the PURPOSE and plan your Heavenly Father has for you. May you come to know very intimately that His grace is sufficient for you in each area of your life, and may His PURPOSE for you reign in your heart, mind and soul. In Jesus’ name!
to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of high value (usually followed by to, after, or an infinitive):
Archaic . to rise up; soar; mount; tower.
1425–75; late Middle English (< Middle French aspirer ) < Latin aspīrāre to breathe upon, pant after, equivalent to a- a-5 + spīrāre to breathe, blow
Leslie! What a beautiful word! I especially love the last portion of what ASPIRE means – “to breathe upon, pant after”.
I pray you will be given an increasing desire to pant after the Lord your God. (Psalm 42:1 comes to mind here) May you ASPIRE after His perfect will for you. And as you seek Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, may He breathe upon you His whispers of love, favor and wisdom. May you ASPIRE to His will in all you do so you may rise above the obstacles and soar in strength and peace. In Jesus’ name!
This has already been a yr of transition as my patient passed away and we had his funeral sat. I sit here today without a job…trusting God has good plans.
Jer 29:11; 33:3. Tammy
Oh Tammy, I am so sorry for your loss.
I pray the word TRANSITION will bring you hope and peace as you look into the next steps for your life. I pray you will TRANSITION well through the grief, as well as being led to the perfect new job. May the financial strain you are facing now, only become known to you as the time the Lord was moving you from one place to an even more abundant supply of His blessings. He is faithful to His faithful ones. He will carry you, maneuver you and TRANSITION you to greater places spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially. In Jesus’ name!
I believe I have 3 words. Hope (I’ve carried this one over from the last 6 months), but Faith and Trust have been continuously on my heart and mind, so I think I need to dig deeper into each of these as I have been lacking all 3. Striving for a better relationship with our Father regardless of my circumstances or situation.
Wow, Charlotte! You are bound to have a monumental year with such deep words like HOPE, FAITH, and TRUST! I’m excited for you!
Lord, surround Charlotte in Your love. Bring her a renewed HOPE. Gift her a greater FAITH. Prove to her that You are trustworthy in all You do. In all that comes her way this year, help her TRUST You with all her heart, soul, mind and strength. Do not let her doubt Your faithfulness to her. Keep her close to Your heart so she may walk in step with Your heartbeat; in bold confidence in the ways You would have her go. In Jesus’ name!
This is my first year and there has been two words that keep coming in mind and I think they kind of go together. So I will be focusing on two.
Christina, TRUTH and RESPECT speak of characteristics that are admirable in all people. What solid words!
Lord, I pray You would teach Christina what TRUTH and RESPECT mean in light of Your Word. Teach her more and more of Your TRUTH, which outweighs all things we may desire or feel. Teach her to love You and fear You with a renewed RESPECT and awe of who You are and how You work in her life. Father hold her near and give her a renewed desire to seek You in all she does. May her life and her words be marked with TRUTH and RESPECT. In Jesus’ name!
This year I decided to participate in Pick a Word for the year of 2019.
So I am looking forward to exploring my two words and that the Holy Spirit would lead me to more I am overflowing with HAPPINESS to see what will be revealed in this to me for someone else and myself.
Blessings, Woman of God
Welcome aboard the Word of the Year tradition!
Lord, I ask that You anoint Jessica with Your PEACE this year. Teach her the joy and HAPPINESS that comes when we reside in Your presence. Hold her in the shadow of Your wings so she make be kept in Your perfect PEACE even as the storms of life rage around her. Lord, give Jessica wisdom and insight as she aspires to live out these words in Your will. May the hope and joy You bring to her spill out onto all those around her. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sometimes you just know what your word is, and sometimes you don’t.. If you don’t, you are so wise in what you said, “So if you’re not sure, just pick a word and trust God to bless it and minister to you in that area.”
My word for this year is consistent. I am sure God wants me to work on this area!
Good choice, Jerralea! CONSISTENT is a monumental word when we grab onto it.
Father God, teach Jerralea what it means for her to be CONSISTENT. Show her ways she can tweak her daily choices and her thought choices so she may be able to lead a life that is CONSISTENT with Your Word and Your will. Make her strong and confident to do what You call her to, giving her a renewed desire to make changes as You lead her. Lord, walk Jerralea into a year of Your abundant favor and blessing as she grows CONSISTENTly and purposefully in mind, body and spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
My words for the year are TRUST and MEDITATE. I want to trust God with everything that I am and in every area of my life. I also want to mediate upon the word of God daily as I have had difficulty in this area. I hardly have privacy at home as I live with very hyperactive grandchildren. I need to trust God to provide homes/houses for my adult children so they in turn can develop in their own Christian lives.
Such deep words! The Lord will guide you in beautiful ways as you learn how to apply these to your time and your faith. ?
Father, grow your daughter in TRUST. Help her depend upon You more and more each day. Teach her that Your plan is perfect and will bring great joy to her heart. Lord, I also ask that You help her find more time to spend with You. Bring her to a quiet place each day so she may MEDITATE upon Your Word diligently. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
The word that I hear God speak to me was regeneration as I ponder on the word it was a new beginning a new creation. God was telling me this year I will be generated in Him. My grace for that word would also be new spirit.
Stephanie, your word speaks of an exciting year!
Lord, bring a season of new growth and hope into Stephanie’s life. Bring her Your REGENERATION and transformation into her heart. Put a renewed mind and a new spirit within her so she may reclaim all the promises You give her. Fill her with Your spirit and bring to her blessings in exchange for the past. The old is gone in Jesus’ name, and the new has been planted in Jesus’ name! Hallelujah and Amen!
My word for this year is Listen. I want to really listen for Gods still small voice speaking to me. I want to grow and learn and become more of what He wants for me. But first I have to quiet myself and listen.
I also want to really listen to my husband and children-in hopes of really hearing them. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle, I miss what they’re really saying.
Susan, as I read your comment I got a visual in my mind how your new practice of LISTENing will change many things in your spiritual life and personal relationships. What a beautiful hope!
Lord, help Susan take to heart this word, LISTEN, and all it means to her. Open her ears so she may not only hear You, but really LISTEN to what You are trying to teach her. Lord, also help her apply LISTEN to her personal relationships. Make her wise and help she slow down just enough to really hear the hearts of her family. Make her the vessel that will bring new connection and love to her home. In Jesus’ name!
Thank you so much for your prayers!!! May God bless you!
Nurturing friendships is my intention this year.
Delight. One of my favorites verses is Psalm 37:4. I truly want to find peace and fulfillment in Him in all things.
Faye, what a beautiful word! Thank you for sharing!
I pray you will DELIGHT yourself in the Lord and seek Him with all your heart, mind and soul. May the DELIGHTs of His presence bring you to new growth, hope, peace and joy. Lord, help Faye know that You DELIGHT over her with singing. Speak gently and continually to her in ways she will hear You. Give her a heart of praise for who You are and all You are doing in her life each day. In Jesus’ name!
My word is Forgive
I know I have to completely forgive those who hurt me as a child in order to completely heal. I also need to forgive myself for the mistakes I have made
Ah, sweet Gen. ? What a vulnerable, yet healing word FORGIVE is.
Lord, wrap Gen in Your wisdom, strength and peace. Build her up spiritually and emotionally, making her strong and courageous to walk in FORGIVEness. Help her choose to FORGIVE each day. Teach her to make forgiveness a lifestyle and not just a one time event. Lord, help her also understand that Your grace is sufficient for her and that You have removed her past from her as far as the east is from the west. Do not let her become burdened with guilt or shame. You have made her Your daughter, and You see her through the blood of Jesus – completely forgiven, healed, and dearly loved. Lord, I ask that You walk very closely with Gen this year. Make this year the time in her life when she walked boldly before You and stepped into the health and healing found only in You. Hide her in the shadow of Your wings, hold her close to Your heartbeat, and daily bring her into Your dwelling place where she may praise You for all You are doing in her and through her. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
This year, the Lord has laid on my heart the word, “pure”.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Matt 5:8
Lesley, what a precious word!
I pray you will come to know in greater measures what it means to walk PURE before the Lord. May He lead you and guide you in ways that will reveal Himself to you more and more. May He renew your heart and mind daily so He can teach you many great and wonderful things of Himself. Lord, speak to Lesley of Your PURE and powerful love. Cleanse her and make her PURE in Your sight so she may be able to see You in each and every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
The word the Lord has given me for this year is “pure” (def: unmixed, untainted, innocent, complete).
Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God. Matt 5:8
What beautiful definitions the word PURE has! May the Lord work greater evidence of each one in you this year. ?
I chose RENEW as my word this year. I want to concentrate on making my walk with Jesus new and exciting each day. Freshening up my routine and my attitude for His glory and for my joy in Him.
Your word speak of much hope and promise, Marki. How exciting!
Lord, RENEW Marki in Your love. Teach her more and more of Yourself so she gain a RENEWed heart and mind in You. Give her courage to make changes where she needs to in order to really walk in the RENEWal You have for her. In Jesus’ name!
I have two words Trust and Love
Wendy, your words are beautiful!
Father, teach Wendy what TRUST and LOVE mean in her life this year. Teach her to TRUST You more. And show her what it means to LOVE You with all her heart, mind, soul and strength. Help her know Your LOVE in greater measures so she may live LOVE out loud in her life. Give her a bold and confident spirit, helping her TRUST You for all You promise her. In Jesus’ name!
Kaylene thank you for sharing this!
I loved reading through each person’s words….praying that God will show up in surprising ways and intimate ways in their lives this year ♡♡
My words are DELIGHT and HOPE
Last year was super hard and in the midst of losing my parents 3 months apart then my precious mother-in-love 4 months later…my son’s marriage fell apart, then rright before Christmas we had to euthanize our little dog. Add to all of this chronic pain and illness…..
Through all of that I just lost my delight in the Lord, and hope that all of this was fulfilling His purpose. I’m starting off my year pursuing Him with all I’ve got ♡♡
Thank you for your ministry, for your openness and honesty in sharing. Praying the Lord will bless you and your family, for His covering and protection, for profoundly abundant fruit for His kingdom and glory….in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
What a trying year you had, Robin. Wow. I can’t imagine. However, I am claiming a season of renewed HOPE and DELIGHT over you in 2019.
Lord, bring Robin into Your peace. Hold her in Your gentleness and soothe her aching heart. Help her know that You are with her and that You did not leave her through all these trying time. Lord, renew Robin’s DELIGHT in You. Reach her spirit in intimate ways, settle her heart in Your love, and help her grab on to a renewed HOPE. For all that has been taken from her, Lord, return to her greater portions of peace, love, HOPE, joy and rest. Father, DELIGHT over her with singing and make Your favor known to her throughout this year. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
My word for the year is BE INTENTIONAL!especially with the things of God
Oh, I love this, Mirabelle!
Father, help Mirabelle BE INTENTIONAL in all she does this year. Walk with her and make her wise in the ways she spends her time, words and money. Teach her how to BE INTENTIONAL when it comes to seeking You in all things. In her personal relationships show her how to BE INTENTIONAL in the ways she speaks, listens and spends time with her loved ones. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
This is the first year that I have chosen a word for the year. I believe I found the right one: KINDNESS. In this busy world that we live in it is so easy to just whirl through our days without stopping to think what our attitudes are showing. It takes so little time to show someone a little kindness. In my office where I can see it is…In a world where you can be anything. . .Be Kind.
What a beautiful reminder for you to see each day! You will wear KINDNESS well this year and going forward. ?
Lord thank You for the awareness for KINDNESS You put in Judy’s heart. Teach her more of Your KINDNESS so she may strengthened and encouraged to show that KINDNESS to others as well. Help her slow down and really listen to the hearts of those around her so she may find more opportunity to practice KINDNESS. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
In this day of instant gratification, it’s so hard to wait on God’s timing (even though it is perfect!). It’s also hard to remember that my timing and God’s timing may not always line up. My goal for this year is to submit to God and wait on Him to work things out versus stressing myself out over things that I ultimately have no real control over.
I love your goal, Kristina. May you experience much peace and joy in waiting for the Lord’s perfect timing.
Father, speak to Kristina at just the right times so she may thrive in this practice of PATIENCE. Help her rest in You and not be overwhelmed by the world’s ways demands and fads. Give her a new heart of PATIENCE in her relationships. Make her presence and attitudes bring peace and calm to those around her as she seeks to understand more than be understood. Make her fruitful with PATIENCE in all she does. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
My word for 2019 is Restoration.
I’ve faithfully given over the years and have asked God to restore some things in my life and He said this was the year it’s going to happen. I’m so thankful and excited. ?
What a beautiful promise to cling to, Karen! Praising Him and trusting Him with you! ?
Lord, bring RESTORATION into Karen’s heart. Redeem her every heartbreak and disappointment. MAke her time in the desert become a mere shadow of the joy and peace You are bringing to her. Lord, also bring RESTORATION to her family and her home. Restore and build up her relationships making them stronger and more precious than before. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
I started last year and thought it was strange as well. This year, I honestly didn’t know what word to pick as I can be so complicated and overwhelmed with perfection that I want all.the.words. lol but in December I kept hearing the Holy Spirit tell/remind me of ‘enough’. So, there it is. I’ll focus on what ‘enough’ means. Being enough, having enough etc. Grateful for Paul who leads me to remember that I can be content in all situations and do anything.
May it be proven over and over to you this year that His grace is ENOUGH for you. ?
Lord, teach Sheree what ENOUGH means in her life. Help her lay down the urge to be perfect and the fear of messing up. Show her in very practical ways in her every day life that You truly are all sufficient for her every need, want and desire. Become Sheree’s ENOUGH – her author, perfecter, leader, guide, peace, strength, rock and rest. Prove that You are her everything and her ENOUGH. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
My word this year is Thankful. I’ve found myself doing way too much complaining about things that are difficult, painful, or just not to my liking. Having this word before my eyes (I like to find at least one pretty object each year with my word on it) is a gentle but very needed reminder!
Hi Cara! THANKFUL is a life transforming word! I’m excited for you!
Father, bring Your presence around Cara and settle her in Your love. Teach her more of You so it may be easier for her to choose a THANKFUL heart. Renew her heart and her mind in You so she may focus only on things that are encouraging and praiseworthy. Give her gentle reminders to remain THANKFUL even when she is struggling. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
My word for this year is Growth.When I think about this word, I think of maturity,consitencey, & humility.
GROWTH is such a good word! May you embrace it every day!
Father, lead A’nshanti into deep and intimate GROWTH in You this year. Hold her very near to Your heart so she may come to recognize Your voice more and more. Help her embrace GROWTH even when it means doing hard things. Keep her focused on her eternal prize so she will press on toward her goal and bear much fruit for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Hi Kaylene,
My word for the year is COURAGE.
Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth! You will learn many ways COURAGE fits into your life this year.
Father God, bless Elizabeth with an extra dose of COURAGE. Strengthen her to live in ways that put You in display in all she does. Make her bold and confident in You, Lord, willing to the things You have called her to in her daily life. Especially teach her to take heart and be COURAGEous in her relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
What a beautiful word, Kelly!
Lord, teach Kelly the depths of Your COMPASSION for her, Reach her in gentle, comforting and strengthening ways so she may become more and more confident in You. And as You settle her heart with Your love, help her open up and willing show more COMPASSION for others. Make her a vessel willing to carry Your love into all situations and relationships. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
My word for this year is TIME.
TIME is a wonderful and very broad word!
Lord, teach Edirmarie how to steward her TIME well. Show her when it is her TIME to love and serve as You desire her to. Also teach her how to make TIME for the important things in life. Lord, You know how to speak to her perfectly, so I ask that You would open her ears and eyes to the ways You would have her go. Multiply her TIME so she may be productive and prosperous in all she does. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Kaylene, The LORD has given me “yielded”. Not an easy word by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, when the cry of my heart is to look more like Jesus… then every aspect of life has to be yielded to the Father’s will and not my own. He is asking me to go deeper… trust more fully…love with abandon… and behave as though I know that I know that I know that I am His, loved without measure and certainly not dependent upon my “performance” or lack thereof. Yielded to God’s plan for my life brings freedom to succeed …. Now, to live this out body, mind, soul and spirit… Being steeped in the Word and seeking His audience in the Throne room seems to be the starting point to picking up that cross daily…. I am so weak, such a mess. So grateful for grace! So grateful for our Savior.
I’m so grateful for Him, too. ? Nancy, your word is a beautiful word and I trust the Lord will speak to you in many ways as you claim it for your life.
Father, teach Nancy what it means to live a life YIELDED to You. Show her in gentle yet very clear ways how You want her to walk, talk, think, and live. Show her that You with her and that Your grace is more than enough for her. And as she YIELDs to You, Lord, bring her great joy, peace and honor. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
I asked a few close women of God the same question I asked you. Well the women He showed me to ask. Here’s the list of words…Abide, Unconditional, Steadfast, Organized, Focused and Resilient. Which I find funny! I would NEVER use these words to describe me! So with that being said; God is changing this one word thing into a phrase with the words. I looked up each one and prayed more about each one. It amazes me how He works! So I am to abide unconditionally steadfast in Him while He is making me organized and focused to become more pliable(resilient) for His glory! I’m afraid this may be a tough year ?and a year of growth.
What a beautiful year ahead! You will love how God speaks to you through your words and your phrase. This is awesome!
Lord, I pray You will speak to Brandy very gently in all the ways You guide her. Do not let her become overwhelmed or dismayed when things get rough. Help her know that Your grace is sufficient for her in all things. Strengthen her and help her ABIDE in You. Help her grasp more of your UNCONDITIONAL and STEADFAST love for her. Help her ORGANIZE her thoughts and life after You, keeping her FOCUSED on her eternal prize as You make her PLIABLE(resilient) to Your will and for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
My word is peace. Thank you for being a light to others and allowing God to use you. Blessings!
Judy, I pray you will have a beautiful year of PEACE and rest!
Lord, surround Judy in Your PEACE as she presents all her pieces to You. Help her know that the PEACE you give her in the quiet moments is the same PEACE she can carry with her throughout moment and in each situation. Give her rest and trust in Your perfect will. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
I have never chosen a word before, but it seemed that God was putting it on my heart. Before I had a chance to look at a list of suggestions, He seemed to put the word intentional on my heart. I am a person of routine, and am intentional about many things, but want to be more intentional with relationships, and resources. I like choosing a word over resolutions, and it speaks more to a striving, over a goal.
INTENTIONAL is a great first word, Cheryl! May you have a prosperous year in growing relationships and resources.
Father thank You for giving Cheryl a word for her to seek You over. Teach her what it looks like for her to be INTENTIONAL in her relationships. Move her to be the peacemaker and the giver where it is beneficial. Show her how to INTENTIONALly show Your love to those around her in practical ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen!