Occasionally I will ponder what I want my life to exemplify.
My thoughts always conclude that I want to live right now in a way that people can say right now without a doubt, that “she loves the Lord”…“she is faithful”… “she is on fire for God”…

There have been times my faith was shaken to the core. I have gotten angry at God. Thrown rocks at the sky, screamed out loud at nothing, and screamed on the inside at everything. I wrote about it in this book.
Through it all, God has proven faithful. And for that, I want to be faithful.
Through it all He has sustained me. And for that I want to bring Him honor.
He has promised me hope. He has promised me a future. And for that I trust Him with it.
Above all, I want to be known as a woman after God’s own heart. One who seeks relationship with Him and lives out a legacy of biblical womanhood.
As I thought over this desire, I found quite a few ways that seeking Him first should impact my attitudes and behaviors.

Seven Elements of Biblical Womanhood
1. A biblical woman is trained in sound doctrine.
“train yourself to be godly. For…godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:7-8
There are many effective tools for Christian women to be trained in godliness, but the best are ones we already have- the Bible and our minds. When we marinate in God’s word we will soon be able to think, act and speak in a more godly manner.
When we know what the word of God says, we will also be able to recognize wrong teachings and won’t fall for whatever teachings the world throws at us.
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2.A biblical woman conducts herself kindly.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
If what we say or do is not beneficial to those around us, we don’t need to be saying or doing it.
We have the power to make choices. Choose kind words. Do kind things. Choose to speak with wisdom and faithful instruction. (Pr.31:26)
Purposely adorn yourself with kindness, always seeking to love others the way Christ does.

3.A biblical woman is disciplined.
Peter speaks often of being (a) clear minded and (b) self-controlled. (1 Peter 1:13, 4:7, 5:8)
(a) Being clear-minded means we don’t leave our minds unattended. We leave no room for the enemy to weasel his evil into our hearts and minds. Guarding our thoughts will help us be transformed in our minds and enable us experience the peace a cleared mind can bring. (Phil.4:7-9)
(b) When we are self-controlled in our actions, making the most of our time and resources, we set an example of efficiency and effectiveness. Like the Proverbs 31 woman who “sets about her work vigorously” (v. 17) let’s be diligent in our daily duties.
4. A biblical woman is a woman who leads.
Proverbs 14:1 speaks of a woman who builds her home. This woman undoubtedly leads her life well and sets a loving and gentle tone wherever she goes.
With a servant attitude she lives a life of love, giving her time and energy as a fragrant offering to God. (Eph.5:2)
True leadership is servant-hood. Let’s lead well.
5. A biblical woman is confident.
When we are grounded and established in the Lord, we have no reason to be ashamed. What we do or don’t do, might not make sense to anyone else, but when it’s done for Him, we know He will fight for us. (Ex.14:14)
In that confidence we can boldly walk forth and do as He bids. We do not need the approval of man.
There is a vast difference between being loud and outspoken, and a quiet confidence the Lord.
6. A biblical woman prays her heart out.
Jesus told the story of a woman who would not stop seeking justice to teach the disciples “that they should always pray and not give up.” (Luke 18:1)
Never underestimate the power of constant communication with the Lord. This mighty tool moves mountains and parts seas. Let’s not give up. God hears each prayer.
Find a number of prayer challenges when you CLICK HERE. We recommend you start with 10-days of Praying for Yourself.
7. A biblical woman is worthy.
When we know who we are in Christ, that we are loved by Him and belong to Him, we know we have worth.
Believing that we have worth, will encourage us to act in a worthy manner; a manner that the Bible calls ‘fearing the Lord’.
When we fear the Lord and do good, we become a woman the Bible says is worthy to be praised. (Pr. 31:30)

These are high ideals for the woman wanting to leave a legacy of biblical womanhood. I don’t always get it right. You may not either. But then there is forgiveness and another day to seek Him and live by His strength and in His grace.
Never give up.
Always keep the desire to grow in wisdom, knowledge and relationship with the Lord.
May you and I, as we run to meet our King at His city’s gate one day, overhear Him say, “Here she comes! The one who loves Me and did her best to show Me off to the world! ‘Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.’” (Pr.31:31)
xoxo, Kaylene
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Kaylene, what an encouraging post. I need to be reminded of these actions of a biblical woman every day. Thanks for helping me start my day headed in the right direction. Blessings to you!
Hey Kaylene,
What a great and challenging post about biblical womanhood! All of your points are good, and I especially like #6 – “A biblical woman prays her heart out.”
I’ve been asking God to more and more make me a woman who prays without ceasing.
I came to your post today on the Women Helping Women Link up.
Hope you are having a great day.
This is a wonderful post. These are the true test. Thanks so much for sharing at Together on Tuesdays 🙂
This is great…and works for men, too.
Thank you for admitting that you’ve thrown rocks at the sky, in anger. Me, too.
Very good attributes to attain after. So many of my friends are just like this. I have a new daughter in law and it just feels weird to have one! But I hope I’m this example to her. I’m not perfect by any means, never will be, but as long as I’m following after the Spirt, I can be the woman God called me to be.
Kaylene, thanks for sharing this amazing post in Words of Comfort Link Up. This is a great list to review every time. Blessings!!!
Kaylene, this is so good. I, too, want to leave a legacy of being a godly women. Legacy is a topic that is near and dear to my heart…obviously, since I wrote an entire Bible study on it. It is a topic that few give much thought to, but is sooo important. Blessings, friend.
Lots of wisdom here. Great stuff to pray into our lives. I especially like the phrase: If what we say or do is not beneficial to those around us, we don’t need to be saying or doing it. How often I forget to just STOP or ZIP my mouth so that I can think and choose before saying or doing! This phrase should be on my fridge!! Thanks Kaylene!
Amen and Amen! Well said, Sister.
May this be true of all of us as we strive to live for Him while relying on His strength to make us like Him.
Wow…. Thank you. I need to really work on these. Its not just one or two but all of them.
Me too, friend. Praying you will continue to be encouraged and strengthened in the Lord.
I’m a little behind reading this but I wanted to say I was blessed by it. So much so that I will be saving the link to come back to again. Thank you for your writing and thoughts.
I think of these 7 elements as jewels of adoration we must wear on a daily basis to adore ourselves as christian women, so others may see the light and be guided to conform, in Jesus name. Thank you for sharing!
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