Oh how easily my heart can become weary, overwhelmed and even impatient at this Covid-19 pandemic.
I am astonished at how quickly fear can strike the hearts of so many, but if I’m honest I have felt fear nip at me, too.
Life is short, fragile, and never promised for more than the moment we are living.
The uncertainty of tomorrow is not meant to cause us fear. Instead, it should prompt us to turn our eyes upon the Lord, our provider, protector, portion and peace.
Today, the Lord’s desire that we care for ourselves and those around us may mean taking widespread precautions.
However, pandemic precautions do not need to equate pandemonium in our hearts.

What is Pandemic?
Yesterday, as I prayed and pondered, a few thoughts made their way out of my finger tips. They stem from my love for words and deep thoughts.
“Pandemic” means prevalent throughout a country or the world(worldwide). Often used in the context of describing a disease, “pandemic” is reflective of it’s geographical reach.
For example, fear is also pandemic(worldwide).
Hunger/homelessness/poverty are pandemic(worldwide).
Depression, suicide, and many other things that afflict the human race, are pandemic(worldwide).
As Christ followers we should not be surprised, struck with fear, or respond in pandemonium when diseases and afflictions come on a pandemic(worldwide) scale.
We should, however, wisely obey and participate in the recommended public health precautions and have genuine brotherly love and concern for those around us.

Going Deeper
After this practical thinking session with myself, deeper thoughts began…
‘Corona’ means crown. (Reflective in the cell formation of the Coronavirus.)
A ‘crown’ is also the top part of the human head, some say the whole human head.
Could this Coronavirus be the bringing of widespread renewal of the mind and personal revival? Which in turn will crown our homes, communities & families with wisdom, faith, and connection for generations to come?
A time of social distancing is prime ground for the Lord to open ears to His truth, open eyes to see the things He sees, and open hearts to love the things He loves.
Could being forced to abide more closely within our family units, really be bringing the revival of families?
Chain breakers emerge from times of self-quarantine.
Missions are birthed during willing self-isolation.
Purpose & success springs out of quiet meditation. (see Joshua 1:8)
Jesus often practiced social distancing to connect with the Father. (Mark 1:35; 6:31-32; Luke 5:16)

Poetic thoughts on this Pandemic
As is normal for me inspired thoughts began flowing in rhyme…
Revival is near, even upon us;
Open our eyes; Lord, let us see.
Direct our hearts and let us reach
For what You love; Your family.
Unite us for Your common good
Remind us of the crown we wear;
The Helmet of Salvation, and
The Shield of Faith we bear.
Girded with the Belt of Truth
While Your Word divides and guides,
On we march in Shoes of Peace,
Prayerfully standing for what is right.
Revive our hearts and make us bold
To live out of Your extravagant love.
Move us past hesitation’s cusp,
To willfully be Your visibly glove.
Crown us now, re-frame our minds,
Bring the family into authority.
May Heaven’s culture reign throughout
This land, our homes, so the world may see

Dear friend, I pray you and I will be the vessels through which the Lord will bring refreshment, peace and unity to our homes and communities.
We do not need to be surprised when fiery trials and fear inducing things come. (1 Peter 4:12)
We shouldn’t be afraid of the many different things that come our way. (Deuteronomy 31:6; Jeremiah 1:8 and more)
We should be asking for wisdom each day and not doubting our Father’s love, abilities and faithfulness. (James 1:5-8)
We should be drawing close to the Lord each day, humbling ourselves before Him in fasting & prayer. (James 4:8-10)
And yes, while we should be aware of our eternal enemy who is seeding fear and pandemic pandemonium, we should also “Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (1 Peter 5:8-9)
We are not in this alone. Be wise. Be aware.
Let love become pandemic.
I’m so thankful you included a study concerning and to use during these trying Pandemic times. I am blessed the Lord guided me to your website. I’m always overjoyed when He leads and I follow. Stay blessed, safe and healthy.
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