Occasionally we become weary.
And not just the “I need a nap” kind of weary.
I’m talking to kind of weary that sinks deep into your bones and almost hurts your skin. The kind where you are completely spent emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Life deals us all some bad turns. Parenting can over the top, one thing after another goes wrong; the stresses of life add up to a bit too much.

These joy stealing, patience trying, peace disturbing, strength stealing times is when we need encouragement and a sister to lean on.
But how many times when we share our struggles do we get made feel like we are just whining?
Or we get dismissed off with a, “Oh you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, honey. Just bloom where you’re planted.” (actual words I’ve received from a sister in Christ whom I felt safe enough with to share a struggle)
I faked a smile, turned around and blinked back the tears, and maybe rolled my eyes… maybe…
And maybe she was right. She is a few years my senior and may be much wiser than myself.
But here’s the thing with blooms:
They wilt.

And if they aren’t nourished, they die.
Blooms can’t bloom all by themselves. They must have a source of nourishment or there won’t be any bloomin’ blooming!
Humanly speaking nourishment looks like encouragement, understanding, safe places to share our struggles, and words used wisely for the benefit of others.
My guess is you try your best to bloom where you are planted.
However, I believe there are ways we can become nourished BEFORE we reach the point of feeling depleted and ineffective; wilted.

3 Ways to Re-Nourish Your Soul
1. Go to the source of life itself.
Instead of ‘toughing it out’ or going to other people to find encouragement, try going to the Word of God. Take a few minutes to invite His presence into your day.
Get to know the Lord. We do that by faithfully returning to His word. We can be given “everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him”. (2 Peter 1:3) The more we experience the heart and ways of the Lord, the greater our ability to live our life courageously.
Hebrews 4 speaks of a Sabbath-rest designed for the people of God. This rest is not just the traditional, once a week Sabbath day. It’s a rest that nourishes an exhausted soul. It doesn’t have to be implemented by strict rules, however we do need to be purposeful in seeking it.
Set aside a time where you can approach the Lord and find security in His presence. A time where you can find rest that nourishes and rejuvenates the soul.
Our REST Bible Study Method is designed to take you deep with the Lord. Using small sections of Scripture, the REST Method guides you through gentle yet powerful encounters with God.

2.Pray for strength to be a vessel that houses the Lord’s character.
Praying for strength to make it through the day or the next week is great.
However, praying specifically will often be of greater relief. Pray for the strength that endures patiently during tense moments. Ask for the strength that speaks kindly when others aren’t kind.
Pray for the strength that finds joy through the trials (James 1:2-3) and peace when you don’t understand (Philippians 4:6-7).
Ask your Heavenly Father to give you strength to hold onto His promises, clinging to the hope for what you have not yet seen. (Hebrews 10:23)
Ask Him to make you a vessel that carries evidence of His character wherever you go, and to whomever you meet.
Pray, “You are my God and I trust You. I don’t know the outcome of this mess, but You do. So make me strong in the knowledge of who You are.”
3. Say “no” more.
If we find it hard to enjoy our everyday life we have too much going on. Nobody can do it all.
Living a life that brings honor and glory to God also means setting boundaries for ourselves.
If our lives consist of rushing about, coming and going, juggling and doing… then very likely our lives are too busy.
There is a difference between a life that works toward the Lord and a life that rests in the Lord.

A life that works toward the Lord is usually driven by approval, marked by exhaustion and frustration, and often ends up completely falling away from the Lord.
A life that rests in the Lord means we live from a place of victory and assurance in Christ, even when all is not well with our soul. A rested life is marked by joy and peace even when life squeezes us a little. A heart resting in the Lord is empowered to carry love and wisdom into hard situations.
It’s okay to say “no”. Consider purging the extra things from your schedule and making room for the important things – the things you want your life to be known by.
Ecclesiastes 3:22 says “there is nothing better for a [wo]man than to enjoy his work, for that is his[her] lot.”

If you are in the dry, rocky ground of exhaustion, feeling like a bloom that is slowly wilting, take steps to help you grow into a life of victory and rest.
Run to the ultimate Source of life, ask for the strength to trust His plan, and make a few practical adjustments to your schedule to allow yourself to breathe in His love for you.
Bloom well, dear one!
You are meant to adorn the earth, His footstool, with beauty.
So glad I have read this post. Thank you for the lessons. It is now evening here but tomorrow I will practize all things I have read in your post. It is a blessing for me.
I so needed this right now. Sigh so at breaking point, losing hope 🙁
Thank you n thank God for speaking through you
Kaylene, what a great post and tips to stay and keep ourselves receiving from the only source: GOD. That way we can bloom! This is so true! Thanks for sharing faith and encouragement in Words of Comfort Link Up! Congratulations also, in your featured post! Blessings!!!
Love the encouragement and truth in this post, Kaylene! Thank you for continuing to bless us with your words.
May He continue to fill our cups to overflowing while we learn to bloom where He has planted us and in His strength!
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