As I am praying through the hundreds of prayer requests sent this past weekend, Psalm 91 keeps coming to mind.
It starts out in the setting of being in the Secret Place with the Lord.
“He [or she] who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1
This “secret place” is mentioned in other Scriptures as well.

Psalm 27:5 says, “For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.
Psalm 31:20 says, “You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.”
As God’s children we are provided a special place we can run to in the middle of trouble or any time we choose to.
This “sanctuary” or “secret place” is sometimes thought to be a physical prayer closet.
Others may try to attain it through endless good works or religious customs.
Still others think they are somehow disqualified from this place of rest.

How to get to the Secret Place
Friend, there is but one secret to reach the secret place of the Most High: seek Him.
Knock and the door will be opened. (Matthew 7:7)
Seek Him and you will find Him. (Jeremiah 29:3)
Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)
There is no qualification period with the Lord. There is no certain look you must attain.
It is simply…
those who come to Him will be fed. (Psalm 22:26)
Those who thirst for Him will be satisfied. (Matthew 5:6, Psalm 107:9)
Those who listen for Him will hear. (Matthew 11:15; apply John 10:27-28)

Rhythms of the Secret Place
Everyone wants to know what the Lord’s will is for their life, their days, their marriage/family, their financial situations and more. We long to know the outcome while we are in the middle of our faith being tested.
But few are willing to do the hard work of sitting with the Lord in quiet communication with Him.
Few are willing to silence themselves long enough to hear God’s voice reverberate across their hearts.
Seldom will you find those who will linger with God long enough to have His Word branded and stamped in their minds.
Entering into the “secret place of the Most High” is as simple as having a conversation with a friend.
Yet we are determined to look outward and not upward.
What if we shifted our gaze from horizontal to vertical?
From our phones onto the Word.
From the screens to the All Seeing One.
From human devotionals to our Devoted One.
From following rules to the letter to feasting on God’s love letter to us?
My guess is, if we choose to do this we would enter the sanctuary of the Most High & very quickly learn to abide in it.

What God Wants More
God wants to let us know His sovereign will and answer all our concerns, and like a good Father, He does.
But His first and foremost desire is that we draw near to Him, cultivating a relationship with Him.
We are created to know Him and be known by Him.
If we really want Him, we will run to Him.
Don’t look back on this time of quarantine & pandemic distress and wish you had pursued a greater relationship with Him.
You might appreciate these thoughts on Jesus: the Social-distancing Pro and how the Covid-19 pandemic could bring on the revival of family.

Looking over Psalm 91 we see promise after promise of His protection for us, but verse 1 holds the secret to the promises:
Dwell in the secret place, which simply means to seek Him; draw near to Him.
My challenge to you: write out Psalm 91. Either a few verses at a time or all at once.
When something you’re writing catches your attention, pause and ask God what He wants to tell you. Then sit there and listen. The most overlooked part of prayer and meditation is the listening part. Be careful how you listen.
Above all, seek your Heavenly Father and He will teach you the beauty of His sanctuary; your secret place.
So needed as I sit to be renewed. Schooling two elementary age girls from home while being in a place were space is needed for my mind to be peaceful is quite challenging.
Praying for you! May the Lord give you peace, joy & rest in His presence!
Thank you thank you. This blessed me so much and was exactly what I needed to be reminded of. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am so glad the Lord used this written offering to bless & encourage you at just the right time. All for Him!
Beautiful. Thank you:)
Thank you Kaylene, needed this reminder.
Wow Thank you so much, your words are filled with deep insight.
Thank you so much for this teaching. I’ve wanted to get a deeper, more intimate meaning of this beautiful passage of scripture. I’ve taken your advice, and writing this scripture down and asking God questions about what I’m studying. Im praying that he will open my spiritual ears to hear Him speaking to me.
Lord, open Benita’s ears to Your Word. Unveil her eyes so she may see the things You see. Broaden her capacity to grasp Your love for her, in Jesus’ name!
Thank you for sharing you understanding of God’s word to help all of us draw closer.
when I met my husband 14 yrs. ago he asked me to “memorize” psalm 91 before he passed away. at the time I hadn’t Realized the IMPORTANCE OF MEMORIZING This Powerful Psalm. And Yes I know it (By Heart)! and now I’m teaching my Daughter To memorize it as well. I was blessed with 3 wonderful and loving children. But my youngest Son was Taken from me thru Homicide.
Thank you for allowing me to draw near to u lord. Bible draw nigh unto him and will draw nigh unto you. As God children we are provided a special place we can run to in our troubles or anytime we choose to.
While I am reading this much later, it speaks to me when I needed it most . God knows ALL things. His timing is perfect. Thank you for sharing Sister Queen!
I love this revelation this scripture tells us of Gods promise of protection and how much power we as kingdom citizens have within us it’s in his secret place where we are hidden from the adversary I think God for his Love and Protection for Us
Today is my third day since when my heart was constantly told to think and look for the secret place of God’s presence. I was glad to see this article and was so much helpful and lifted up my spirit to find God and come near to Him. Thank you Keylene. Be blessed
Praise God. Matthew 6:6 also says “Pray to your Father who is in the “secret place…” Made me think of Psalm 91… and it let me to your page! Thank you so much for diving into this beautiful topic of His Secret place. I, too, long to learn more and more about what it means to abide in his secret place! Blessings to you.
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